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Comments of A.I Doctor

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2024-05-10 08:28
I'm interested in this one. But at the same time my insides tell me the events would probably not be too exiting since the mc has that most predictable personality 1051024
2024-04-17 02:48
baruda is cute
2023-12-14 05:25
Chap 97 (Dec 2023)
Season One: 1 - 65
Season Two: 66 -
Absolute Favourite
2023-11-02 18:16
Did you guys know there's a rouge like (mobile) game for this?
2023-07-13 19:11
Chap 89

lemme predict... there's already gonna be a love interest here huh?
12 - would you look at that? it really isn't surprising tbh almost all authors like to ruin their works with unnecessary romance done the wrong way. Well I hope that woman isn't a vase and I also hope she's not that kind of annoying tsundere type. sigh just make the romance good please.
18 - now I remember why I dropped this... I cringed so much at how apparent this forced romance to the plot is. sighhhhhh people, really.
35 - ...sighhhhhhhhhhhh there's really going to be that shitty romance. What I wanted to read was the rise of the best doctor but now I'm just reading a shitty romcom of an inexperienced guy falling in love with the as usual "beautiful" and perfect woman. sighhhhhh fml and f all authors who add romance to their work when it doesn't add anything to the plot at all except that shitty fan service for all the men reading who has not had a lovelife at all, has a shitty lovelife or is desperate for a lovelife.
62 - oh my fucking god. he's such a fucking simp...
It's alright... though I still hate how the MC is such a simp. Like seriously. ugh.
2023-06-29 15:45
Chap 98

The translations were so bad at first but it got better as it went on, tho I still need to use a few braincells to understand sometimes..plot is good, I'm kinda glad MC has that reputation to him that makes ppl listen to what he has to say(even if by fear), it makes the diagnosis move quicker :) The characters are pretty good too, the director is so funny and slightly petty, it's fun to watch him. There's hints of romance but it's not the main focus and the girl is capable so I'm not complaining. That professor of radiology has my heart I wonder why radiology professors looks so attractive in manhwas and irl!!!! Maybe I have a type

Also I find it ridiculous that one of the chief(?) said something like "Should I have checked her blood results?", you should have!! Of course you should!! Regardless of whether or not you're the primary doctor(a bit iffy on this part bc of the translation), why tf wouldn't you check the patient's blood results!! And that attitude of only paying attention to certain patients if they're a VIP patient is a bit frustrating, bc that's what happens irl tbh. Just a reminder of how shitty reality can be. I also find it kinda funny how MC said Taehwa is cost-saving(?) when they run tests and use machines(ECMO for example) that would cost the patient thousands, maybe it's cheaper in manhwa logic hahaha

Overall, 8/10. Good art, smooth plot, looking forward to him becoming a professor. Also they need to include the loml(professor of radiology) in more scenes!!

Pseudoxanthoma elasticum huh.....learned something new today

My guess was either brain hemorrhage or meningitis, i was half correct!! :D
2023-06-02 16:42
The bickering between soohyuk and baruda is the main highlight of this manhwa lmao i just fly by the medical technicalities coz i dont know anything
Name: A.I Doctor
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Zaino , 한산이가 , 쿠큐 2019 released.
Genre(s): Webtoons
Alternative: A.I. 닥터
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