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Comments of Oblivious

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2024-06-13 20:04
the plot was actually really good, this story deserved atleast 60 chapters
2024-06-05 18:02
At first I wasn’t so sure about certain scenes, but the more plot I got the more understanding it became so I would recommend it’s kinda sad tho
2024-06-03 18:25
Always love a good ghost story.

This story is pretty straightforward; Jiwoo is haunted by a ghost. Everything about the ghost is an enigma to him—he doesn't know why he's being haunted, what (if anything) connects him to the ghost, or even as much as the ghost's name. All he knows is that for some reason, the ghost just . . . Really wants to fuck him. Bad.

I fucking love that. It's such a simple concept but it kind of hits in all the ways you want it to; I'm a sucker for supernatural stories so that off the bat has it going for it, it has a good draw with the mystery of why this ghost is so attached to him, it can be kind of tense in the earlier chapters considering the whole haunting element, and it's also quite sexy. This is a very handsy, up-front, and quite shameless ghost.

The execution of the story is something I'm quite fifty-fifty on, though. I didn't dislike it, in fact I liked it quite a lot, but . . . It just feels a bit lacking in certain elements. Sadly, the mystery is something I thought to be a little weak, at least in the way it developed.

The initial pull the story makes is great; Jiwoo has no idea why this ghost is so attached to him and so you're left to wonder just what exactly is the ghost's deal. Did Jiwoo do something careless, so careless that he can't even remember it, that led to his death? Is Jiwoo a man who somehow made such a strong lasting impression on this man that it's made him unable to move on? We know something's happened between them, but we, and Jiwoo, don't know what.

. . . And then in chapter six it's revealed Jiwoo has amnesia . . . And that's just kind of insane to me?

Personally, if I had amnesia and a ghost suddenly appeared to me, making it known that he has some mysterious ties to me, I'd instantly connect that to the fact that I can't remember half my fucking life. Even if he doesn't make the connection that this dead man is directly tied to his amnesia, he should at least go, "Oh, this is probably the ghost of someone I used to know before my memory went to shit." But he doesn't. He's just dumbfounded the whole time. And like . . . That's stupid, right?

What I don't get is that being upfront about the fact that Jiwoo has amnesia wouldn't ruin the mystery at all. Him having amnesia still lends to the mystery since he still wouldn't be able to actually remember for himself who the ghost is. So writing it like that, it sounds like a nonissue, since it doesn't affect the mystery too drastically. But dropping that in the middle of the story completely recontextualizes it in a negative way, especially since I don't think Jiwoo having amnesia was meant to be a plot twist. You go from "What could Jiwoo's ties to this ghost be considering he can't even remember him?" to "What were they to each other?" And with that, you can then instantly assume what they were.

They were dating. The ghost ends up being his classmate, Hyeon Joo Eon, that he was dating.

One thing this story has going against it is the chapter count. There are only ten chapters, and they don't feel very long. Most of the story is obviously about the haunting, and because of that, the backstory between Jiwoo and Hyeon is . . . Well, just backstory. It's brief. You don't spend much time on it, and I think that's quite a shame because I actually really liked it. They were cute. It has this Shakespearean tragedy to it since Hyeon died during their first date. It was over before it began, young love cut short.

Another thing that's probably hindered by the short chapter count is the progress of Hyeon's character. As a ghost, he ends up pulling away from Jiwoo randomly near the end of the story. And when I say randomly, I mean randomly. I can't remember there actually being a given reason, which is a shame because that trope—of the ghost leaving once the other personally finally starts enjoying having them around—is something I'm a sucker for. Again, Shakespearean tragedy.

This feels quite negative despite the fact that I enjoyed it, so let me finish with some quick things I liked:

The ghost. Just . . . As a whole. I loved him. This is kind of unfair since it kinda comes with the territory, but you could really feel the deep-rooted desire within Hyeon for Jiwoo. It was burning, it was desperate. I loved it.

Jiwoo is . . . Maybe not necessarily smart, but he is quite resourceful. He doesn't just sit there and take the ghost's advances, he actually looks for—and finds—something that physically wards the ghost off of him. Which leads to another thing I really liked.

When Jiwoo wards the ghost off of his body, Hyeon . . . Just starts getting really fucking petty. Throws a little hissyfit. He can't touch Jiwoo, but he is still able to be around him, so he follows Jiwoo to work. When he's at work, the ghost starts doing typical haunting shit; locks doors, makes noises, and throws shit off the counter. It's silly and it's petty and for me, it just endeared me so fucking much to him. The ghost is kind of a shell of who he once was, so this was really nice, really subtle characterization that I liked quite a bit.
2024-05-07 10:32
great premise and story but quite rushed
2024-05-06 10:48
AHhh I love it so much <3<3<3 I wish it was a bit longer ( T ^ T ) I will miss them <3<3<3
2024-04-27 01:49
Cuteee hahahaha where's the next chapter
2024-04-27 17:01
short and sweet - unnecessary SA tho
2024-04-11 21:07
So he's not dead? I'm glad. I'm interested to try to do it on my mom js to see if she can come back alive lmao
2024-04-10 10:33
The plot keeps you on your toes and shit but also got me teary eyed
2024-04-04 01:06
Beautiful ending thank goodness
2024-04-01 22:27
Want: -
Reading: 2024-04-01 22:22
Second rape based wprk in the row o can't do this
Art is good too why
2024-03-25 23:31
OMG i love them im so happy w the ending. easy 10/10
2024-03-17 21:30
A ghost of his best friend finds him after he died for him but the main character has lost lots of memories due to the accident (drowning) he then end up being the ghost to the the body and the best friend wakes up from the coma.
2024-03-13 07:07
Spooky smutty romp?
2024-03-02 12:43
The twist was predictable AF, so much so that if literally anything else happened, I would've been surprised
2024-03-01 12:41
It's good but reminds me of a specific webtoon. It had only the spirit twist thing and the ending was boring tbh
2024-02-28 14:34
Sweet oneee but gostyyy is pervyyy
Name: Oblivious
Status: Completed   
Author: Cheoljungi 2019 released.
Genre(s): Ecchi / Webtoons / Romance / Yaoi / Supernatural
Alternative: 오블리비어스 ; 遗忘的人 ; 鬼魂缠身 ; Обливиос
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