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Comments of Right Husband! Wrong Bride?

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2023-01-11 10:53
I liked it. It's realistic, and they guve each other a second chance
2021-10-19 08:28
The story is heart touching , it brough tears of happiness in my eyes
2021-09-21 15:57
I like Arnie more tho... well at least he's not that terrible :/
2021-09-01 02:56
I guess I’m weird and could never be an Harlequin ML, but if a sweetheart like her had worked to learn and try to share my interests, I would have at least been touched and appreciative that she liked me that much. Getting angry and butthurt over it seems pretty stupid to me. Also, there is no way in hell I could act like that with a woman who had just given me her first time, nor could I insult her in front of someone else, especially a male coworker. I’m not hung up on virginity, but that is a pretty special gift and he pretty much basically urinated on it. When an author comes up with an FL that endearing, it really steams me that she has to end up with an asshole.
2021-09-01 18:01
Okay, I'll admit it wasn't your normal courtship, but would a guy - once he stopped to think about it (and realized he wasn't dealing with a stalker) - REALLY not be flattered that a woman would go to such lengths to get his attention? And the thing I noticed is that she never actually lied about liking the things he liked. She created excuses to expess her interest in trying them, but did you hear her say, 'I love the Cubs!' or 'I love Jazz!'? She didn't. She said, 'I heard this song and want to learn more about the genre.' She covered up her real motive, but stayed as honest as she could. And where in ANY of that was mocking implied? I'm glad, when he got his priorities straightened out, he realized he was going to have to work to get back what he'd thrown away. I rather wish he'd had to work a little harder, though, because you appreciated what you've had to work for, right? Just wish they stuck to relationship building and not pulled a bed in.
2021-09-05 14:49
Kudos to give it her all, but dude don't shit on someone's feelings like that, especially if she did her best
2021-08-31 14:52
The FL is pretending to be his perfect match and the ML is rightfully mad. But he just forgets all about it like it's nothing and tries to get her back. She then refuses him and he buys and decorates a house for her, they get engaged. Honestly way too superficial, I hated the entire story. Art was okay though
2021-08-31 14:24
I was rooting for Arnie throughout the book. He's kind, gentleman and most probably in love with FL. Unfortunately, ML who's willing to throw his potential love and happiness for ambitions wins.
Name: Right Husband! Wrong Bride?
Status: Completed   
Author: Lori Herter , Hibiki Sakuraya 2019 released.
Genre(s): Josei
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