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Comments of Shin'ai naru Boku e Satsui wo komete

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2024-05-18 04:44
the type of story that makes you hold your breath until the end where you can let a deep, deep exhale. this story is so beautiful. every chapter.
2024-05-08 15:19
awesome story
2024-05-07 10:42
may 7, 2024 i don't wanna read this yet
2024-05-06 03:47
bruh oh my god this story has left a deep deep hole in my heart but it’s so fucking good u guys please read it it’s not that scary tbh but like the psychological damage and horror of it was enough to make me want to cry and for my heart to drop and the plot twists were so amazing as well actual insanity and i’m someone who’s able to guess plot twists very well this time though i was completely stumped
2024-05-04 18:03
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this manga! The plot twists, the characters and even just the art were all very entertaining. 10/10 read, I recommend
2024-04-24 19:49
(Buy the manga)
2024-04-04 05:07
2024-04-03 14:57

2024-03-09 00:15
one of the best mangas ive ever read
2024-03-04 05:15
want to reread
2024-03-01 02:08
2024-01-27 21:58
A breathtaking read. I enjoyed every second of this manga.
2023-12-31 07:30
THIS made me lowkey sob at the end. great plottwists and binged it all night- amazing mystery and can make ur brain hurt
2023-12-27 02:36
Incredibly interesting and strong start, HOWEVER about halfway through i feel like the twists and turns just kept getting more and more redundant. It was no longer a manga but a drawn out retelling of a story, just feeding the reader information in the most obvious yet convoluted way possible. I really liked the premise but towards the end i caught myself just rolling my eyes and totally detaching from the story. The drastic change in art-style didn’t help that either. It just contributes to how the plot strays so far that it seems unrecognizable. Certainly disappointing, womp womp
2023-12-03 06:10
It's been a while since I read such an interesting mystery manga, at first you'll think it's too easy but it's way to complex along with a lot of misleads, but in the end it was worth every minute definitely a recommended one
2023-11-20 22:15
the most well-written manga i've ever read
2023-11-20 16:37
well damn that sure was a crazy read
Name: Shin'ai naru Boku e Satsui wo komete
Status: Ongoing    RSS
Author: Inoryuu Hajime , Itou Shouta 2018 released.
Genre(s): Drama / Mystery / Psychological / Slice Of Life
Alternative: My Dearest Self with Malice Aforethought; 親愛なる僕へ殺意をこめて; 親愛的我飽含殺意; ; Shinai Naru Boku e Satsui o Komete
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