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Goodness, the justifications people are typing here for what is considered a crime. There ...

Anonymous January 26, 2021 2:48 am

Goodness, the justifications people are typing here for what is considered a crime. There is not only the age gap, but a big power imbalance here. The teacher "waiting until he's legal" is still predatory behaviour and these two will likely tell a soul about how they actually got together because it's rightly stigmatized. Saying "well this teenage student that he's in charge of is old enough to pick his uni/ job wishes means he's old enough to view sexually"..... omg no. The teacher should have asserted the boundaries of a teacher x student relationship, just because the student was the "aggressor" doesn't mean that the teacher would not be jailed and the school not come under review. high school student x teacher yaoi (or josei or yuri) is one of those awful tropes that unfortunately seem to have survived. The authors latest work seemed cool, but this one is just, well why is this trope even published.

    bcipher February 2, 2021 7:19 pm

    I completely agree with everything you said. Yet I read stories like this and like it. This author wrote a beautiful story, which I can enjoy but with knowledge it's only fiction. I think the point for me is making sure you understand what's real and fictional.

    FAPCEO February 5, 2021 1:48 am

    i disagree. he wasn't seeing the student sexually he just had a crush on him and he hid that and was not willing to go through with it because he knew it was wrong. It's not as if the student was being groomed, he was thinking straight when he asked the teacher out and they waited until he graduated (so he's over 18, it's legal almost everywhere in the world and quite a bit over legal in japan).

    They never had sex (or even made out) and the teacher apologized for suggesting they bathe together and got out.

    if you are going to get mad over an age gap the ones where the older falls in love with them when they are a literal child (like 13 not last year of HS which is the equivalent of grade 13 in canada i believe so he would be the age of a uni student) .

    Venti February 7, 2021 3:27 pm

    this sjw needs to shut up... if you dont like it then leave. I as a reader am just here to read a cute FICTIONAL story made by a talented author with a passion to tell a story about love and has clearly no intention to perpetrate any forms of predatory behavior. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Otaku February 25, 2021 7:05 am

    They literally didn’t do anything until he graduated and was of legal age. And the teacher rejected the students advances several times. It’s not a crime to have feelings towards someone. And how was the student sexualized

    Shibainu May 5, 2021 12:43 pm

    I agree completely with this comment. Man ots just flat out weird that there's people defending this manga like its their child. Please for the love god understand that a teacher should not have feelings for one of their students especially in highschool and lower grades. Its unprofessional for one and two that minor that the teacher has feelings for is significantly older than the teen.

    Shibainu May 5, 2021 12:46 pm

    And idgaf about the teacher not being sexual towards the teen, its the fact that he has romantic feelings for a minor and one of hid students in the first place is where the problem lies. No teacher- no matter how young should be crushing on any of the schools students.

    Shibainu May 5, 2021 12:46 pm
    And idgaf about the teacher not being sexual towards the teen, its the fact that he has romantic feelings for a minor and one of hid students in the first place is where the problem lies. No teacher- no matter ... Shibainu

    *its *his

    MirrorImage June 20, 2021 4:14 pm
    And idgaf about the teacher not being sexual towards the teen, its the fact that he has romantic feelings for a minor and one of hid students in the first place is where the problem lies. No teacher- no matter ... Shibainu

    If people could control all their emotions using logical reasoning driven by pre-written moral rules, then the world would be a much better place. No chaotic arguments, no emotional messes, no political wars, no corruption, no emotionally driven murder, no cheating, etc.

    Unfortunately, being human means to have emotions that are out of logical control. The teacher was ashamed of his feelings and condemned it. Despite the students advances and his own feelings, he avoided it.

    It's ok to have emotions. It's important to have as much control over it (otherwise, we'd be savages).

    You need to first of all define "predatory behaviour". The comparison you are making here is akin to calling "catcalling" rape.

    My mum and dad are teacher-student too. Married for 23 years with my bro and I. She was the student. He waited until my mum was 20/21 to date.

    I just can't see anything to hate in this relationship. It's completely healthy AND legal. Plus, because they only started dating AFTER high school, the teacher can necessarily be held accountable by the schools rules... Just saying.

    Shibainu June 22, 2021 5:04 pm
    If people could control all their emotions using logical reasoning driven by pre-written moral rules, then the world would be a much better place. No chaotic arguments, no emotional messes, no political wars, n... MirrorImage

    Did I stutter when I said that NO teacher should ever have romantic/sexual or any personal feelings of wanting to be in a relationship with their students ever. They can't control their emotions huh? Cool then are a pedophile then if you want to try me on this. Ever hear of predators waiting until a minor is 18 to date them? Ever think for once that is weirdo behavior and no adult should be waiting till a teen is an adult no matter what age that adult is. Don't try to give me that, "oh humans are complex creatures and we all have feelings" talk when the topic is about pedophilia. A pedo is a pedo, and ur dad is a freak for waiting for your mother

    Shibainu June 22, 2021 5:05 pm
    Did I stutter when I said that NO teacher should ever have romantic/sexual or any personal feelings of wanting to be in a relationship with their students ever. They can't control their emotions huh? Cool then ... Shibainu

    *then they are. And don't @ me with a whole ass paragraph next time defending this bullshit. Get that gross mindset out of here

    MirrorImage June 22, 2021 7:20 pm
    Did I stutter when I said that NO teacher should ever have romantic/sexual or any personal feelings of wanting to be in a relationship with their students ever. They can't control their emotions huh? Cool then ... Shibainu

    First of all, they're only 5 years apart. That's completely normal for any couple. Second of all, they had a very traditional courtship based around South Asian traditions. That means, no sex, no coercion, and families are involved. He liked and approached her when she was 19 but she was still sort of in high school for several reasons plus she kind of hated him. They got together when she was 21 and didn't have sex until they were married 8 years later and had little old me.

    I'm not excusing pedophilia. Besides, pedophilia is a diagnosed mental health condition wherein someone experiences SEXUAL attraction towards a prepubescent child...that means between the age of 10-16 (prepubescent age) with an existing 5+ year age gap.

    In most countries, like Japan, the legal age for sex is also 16 because of this defined prepubescent period. In others, it's 18. And some might be even later. Ultimately, pedophilia has to do with attraction to underdeveloped bodies and is a non-discriminatin sexual attraction to kids of that age.

    Clearly, my parents aren't that. And clearly, the characters in this manga aren't that. Age gap doesn't define the pedophilia. It's what they are attracted to. My mum was biologically, physically and even mentally a full adult despite being in high school.

    The character was also physically and biologically an adult although, mentally probably not and not by legal standards in foreign countries (although in Japan it's completely fine)

    Ultimately, this boils down to each individual's moral values. Yours is calling anything with an age gap pedophilia and condemning it, which is fine. Mine is to recognize the grey areas in relationships, acknowledge it as long as 2 parties aren't harming each other. Also, it's none of my business. I'm asexual. I literally don't give a shit what people do with their parts.

    However, j don't appreciate you dissing someone's parents, whether it's someone random online or not, without knowing anything about the other party. It shows immaturity from your end.

    Have a good day.

    fujoshitbag July 23, 2023 6:02 am
    First of all, they're only 5 years apart. That's completely normal for any couple. Second of all, they had a very traditional courtship based around South Asian traditions. That means, no sex, no coercion, and ... MirrorImage

    (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ u slayed

    MirrorImage July 24, 2023 12:37 am
    Did I stutter when I said that NO teacher should ever have romantic/sexual or any personal feelings of wanting to be in a relationship with their students ever. They can't control their emotions huh? Cool then ... Shibainu

    First of all, she was 19 when they met (but still in HS due to reasons). Dad is like 4 years older.

    Secondly, I'm not disagreeing with you lol. Teachers shouldn't have feelings for students and pedophilia is absolutely inexcusable. All I'm saying is that people arent perfect, they make mistakes, they can feel things they shouldn't and be fully aware of it.

    The importance is not acting on it and actively trying to dissipate those feelings. Like, they shouldn't be put on a chopping block for a couple of intrusive thoughts or feelings. I don't know if you know, but people always have their initial thought (ingrained by what they know from young), it is what dictates our first impression of a person but those thoughts are not always pretty because if we were raised around certain prejudices or behaviour, those thoughts/feelings influence that. However, it is the afterthought (moral compass, frontal lobe) that rectifies those thoughts that is our real thoughts. I dont know if you've ever caught yourself thinking something absolutely horrible (homophobic, transphobic etc.) and going, wtf? No? Just a little page out of my nursing ethics and laws book.

    Again, I'm not excusing pedophilia - I'm a multiple time victim to it myself from much older cousins (×3) and a personal trainer. It was a terrifying experience that has left me with diagnosed PTSD that still affects my ability to even pursue innocent romance. Therefore, I would never support or excuse a pedophile. I'd be the first to destroy their bits down there (male or female) from every being used again.

    Riruru March 14, 2024 9:29 pm

    I feel like u people should not be reading this genre because if u think this is the most problematic thing then boy oh boy....
    Real life morals and values do not really apply to most manga and anime. Let's be honest, majority of romance stories(especially bl) are not exactly ideal by real life standards. If u cannot distinguish between the two then unfortunately u r set up for disappointment. U cannot say "why does this troupe exist" because there r people who read it. And just because they read it does not mean they project it onto real life