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How sad -a circle of incest- and on the mother's part, manipulation and bullying. I feel a...

Hikari-sama October 29, 2012 7:31 am

How sad -a circle of incest- and on the mother's part, manipulation and bullying. I feel a bit like both mother and son were taking advantage of that child in their own ways. The only redeeming quality in the twin is that he seemed to genuinely love him just the way he was and wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. That's the one thing that made what he was doing with that poor, scared rabbit forgivable.

    yaoi bakamono December 27, 2012 8:53 am

    if he told the truth... wouldn't it be fine? I know he probably didn't say anything so that it wouldn't hurt his brother but being separate like that is even worse.

    I don't really see the brother as taking advantage of.. He loved him and wanted to be with him. What I wanted to see him do was in the end to walk outside with his brother.

    yaoi bakamono December 27, 2012 8:55 am

    I'll never understand how people could do such a thing to there kid. To traumatize them even through they're you own blood and flesh.

    RamenOtaku February 27, 2013 4:05 pm

    Totally true, it really seemed like they both took advantage of tooru, nobody should have to sleep with their own flesh and blood. Sorry for the incest fetish ppl but this shit is fucked up