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O-M-G. I've read some comments below and I just can't believe it. HOW THE HELL CAN YOU DEF...

Honey December 16, 2015 1:22 am

O-M-G. I've read some comments below and I just can't believe it. HOW THE HELL CAN YOU DEFEND KYOUYA???? HOW IS THIS ERIKA'S FAULT? The only thing she's at fault is not telling him to fuck off. What is she supposed to do? Give up her dreams and go all in with the relationship? And what if they last 2 months? She'd be single, studying something she doesn't like and later in a job that she doesn't like. SHE IS NOT EGOIST. SHE IS DOING WHAT EVERY FUCKING RATIONAL PERSON WOULD DO: FINDING SOMETHING SHE TRULY LIKES.

Ladies and gentleman. I'm going to give you some advice that I thought it was obvious but it seems that it's not: YOUR CAREER IS SURELY THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN YOUR LIFE. AND IF YOU HAVE THE LUCK OF FINDING SOMETHING THAT YOU TRULY LIKE DO IT AND GIVE IT YOUR ALL. Because a career is something that will always be there and it will define what you'll be doing all your life.

    steph December 16, 2015 3:05 am

    I agree with you. That last section you writed I take it as a philosophy of life. (●'◡'●)ノ

    KawaiiDreamer December 16, 2015 3:40 am

    Oh I know right! It's like saying a woman deserves to be beatened for having a little bit of independence... So fucked up.

    Anonymous December 16, 2015 5:21 am

    Some people put family ahead of career. I won't pretend to know how it is in Japan but cultural differences may be at play.

    shizuka December 16, 2015 6:03 am

    You are really inexperienced Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) Sad for you. With great career won't make you happy but just rich. With a great man will love you all his heart. That'll make you the happiest girl in this world. Because it's not easy to find that kind of man. But Erica find it and she decide to leave him. After all that promises she gave him." I'll be with you forever" come on you shouldn't give promises that you can't keep. Well ı am not Kyouya's side either. He is guilty too.

    Twinkle December 16, 2015 7:46 am

    Finding what you really like to do is very important. A lot of people find it hard to know what they want so Erika's lucky she found something she likes. But, Kyouya is also important too. Both are important (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Anonymous December 16, 2015 8:26 am
    You are really inexperienced Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) Sad for you. With great career won't make you happy but just rich. With a great man will love you all his heart. That'll make you the happiest girl in this world. B... shizuka

    Someone's obviously watched too many Disney movies. Having a great man to love you with all his heart won't necessarily make you happy (same as having a great career). You are the only person that can make you happy. You have to be confident in yourself and love who you are. Because believe me, any man who will tell you to give up your dreams for them is likely to leave you later down the road. See, it starts an ugly cycle because in the back of her mind will be regret and recrimination. Not to mention the loss of self-worth which would likely lead to self-doubt and loathing. Finally turning her into a pathetic creature that would do anything to please this supposed great and loving man, while at the same time believing she's not good enough for him and always worrying about when he will realize this and leave her. On his part, he'll start hating this creature she's become as well as himself for turning her into this (if he's any sort of man who truly cared for her). Then bye bye love. And where will that leave Erika? Alone, miserable, and pathetic. A true loving relationship is a partnership that gives and takes on both sides. They have to be willing to work together to face the challenges....not request one to give up everything for the other

    shizuka December 16, 2015 8:55 am
    Someone's obviously watched too many Disney movies. Having a great man to love you with all his heart won't necessarily make you happy (same as having a great career). You are the only person that can make yo... @Anonymous

    Was that an insult. Thats just made me laugh I don't believe in love actually... We are talking about a shoujo manga here. In a shoujo manga the only way to be happy is a man (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Lily December 16, 2015 11:10 am
    You are really inexperienced Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) Sad for you. With great career won't make you happy but just rich. With a great man will love you all his heart. That'll make you the happiest girl in this world. B... shizuka

    I think you are the inexperienced one. Love is not a fairy tale and job is important because is half your life, you have to find something that you like to do. Love should just be by your side. It isn't a choice, love simply is there when you are happy with yourself and your life, you can't wait for love to make you happy, love can come and go, but if you find a person who is truly happy to see you happy and NOT to own you, you'll be happy in your life.

    Anonymous December 16, 2015 11:33 am
    I think you are the inexperienced one. Love is not a fairy tale and job is important because is half your life, you have to find something that you like to do. Love should just be by your side. It isn't a choic... Lily

    Once retirement check comes around, you'd be singing a new tune. 70 Years wasted of life. That's how long you will have to work to be able to live reasonably after retirement. America may even raise the retirement age, so tack on a few more years. A career is just that--a career. Interests are what define you. Half can say they hate their jobs, but the one's who love it are the ones that apply to your comment. They both are at fault. They neglected to put themselves in the others shoes. Job is important for ONE aspect of your life,and that's mainly when your ready to go off into the grave. Nothing is easy in life. If she wanted to choose love, let her. It's emotionally important in your life.

    Anonymous December 16, 2015 11:50 am
    I think you are the inexperienced one. Love is not a fairy tale and job is important because is half your life, you have to find something that you like to do. Love should just be by your side. It isn't a choic... Lily

    Sorry I didn't mean to reply to you lol.

    Lily December 16, 2015 12:59 pm
    Once retirement check comes around, you'd be singing a new tune. 70 Years wasted of life. That's how long you will have to work to be able to live reasonably after retirement. America may even raise the retirem... @Anonymous

    Even if you din't mean to reply to me I agree... in part. In my opinion are feelings and interest the important thing in life, but when you choose love over something that can make you happy you will discovered one day that you secrificed yourself for a person that could not be even there anymore.

    shizuka December 16, 2015 2:08 pm
    I think you are the inexperienced one. Love is not a fairy tale and job is important because is half your life, you have to find something that you like to do. Love should just be by your side. It isn't a choic... Lily

    Do you read my other comment? God.. I mean inexperienced in shoujo manga. Like you didn't read much. Because the only way to be happy IN A SHOUJO MANGA is a man that loves you. SHOUJO MANGA (SHOUJO). I hope you guys got that this time (● ̄(エ) ̄●). And like ı said ı don't believe in love.

    KawaiiDreamer December 16, 2015 9:56 pm

    My thing is some people take manga (not just Shoujo) way to serious. I mean it's just another form of fiction. I know that they have there reasons for getting so into it, but I would hate for someone to think that they'll have a life full of excitment, action, or drama just like the manga they read. I've actually seen someone nearly get into a fight because someone said that they didn't like a certain manga. They didn't bad mouth it, or anything like that, just that it wasn't for them... Anyway life is to short to dwell on the little things. You've got to get out there and work your butt off so you can give yourself a good life.