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Hitler's time

ghettobaby December 18, 2015 11:12 am

I just can't read it. How can you possibly focus on gay love when everytime i see swastika I think about millions of dead people and death camps.....

    Doodlegg January 3, 2017 12:37 am

    You've got to remember that the nazis were people too, it's not their fault what happened did. Many of them were forced to believe Hitlers thoughts, which was the main focus on the child nazi camps, so they weren't to know any better due to the podium Hitler was put on. Of course I'm not justifying the actions of Hitler, but many had no other choice, it was just the society they were put in

    God help us January 3, 2017 1:20 am
    You've got to remember that the nazis were people too, it's not their fault what happened did. Many of them were forced to believe Hitlers thoughts, which was the main focus on the child nazi camps, so they wer... Doodlegg

    If this is what people think, then the current resurgence of fascism in the world is no longer surprising. Hitler was one man. One man couldn't have done what he did if MANY MANY others hadn't gone along to save their own f*cking skins. So yes, it very much is their fault.

    Doodlegg January 3, 2017 2:06 am
    If this is what people think, then the current resurgence of fascism in the world is no longer surprising. Hitler was one man. One man couldn't have done what he did if MANY MANY others hadn't gone along to sav... @God help us

    Of course it was not a job of one man, but that did not mean that everybody believed in him. Lets use an extreme example, for instance, lets say Donald Trump decided to remove all immigrants and Mexicans, whilst making shock conversion therapy legal for gay people (I'm not comparing Trump to Hitler, but lets just say he wasn't bluffing), does that mean every american believed in Donald Trumps words and hated mexicans? No, and it was down to these adults to educate their opinions on their children, which they'll most likely follow. The couple featured in this yaoi where both children when Hitler took power, for both of them went to his child camps, meaning that they would have had no say in any matter, or be allowed to have an opinion on anything. When looking in a real life situation, those who did not believe in him still had to join the army, not just to save their skins, but for their family and friends too. Hitler controlled a distopian society, meaning that many couldn't rebel, unless they wanted those dearest to them and themselves dead.

    mvnyv January 4, 2017 11:40 pm

    I get both your points guys- At first I meant that I just can't enjoy the manga because of its scenerio. And "God help us" what you said may sound resonable... unless you actually visited death camp. I took a trip to visit one (not long ago actually) and I can tell you with certenity that Nazis in this camps were aware of they doing, and weren't just soldiers who had to fight on battlefield ( its the diffrent story then the same with civils). Nazis "working" in this camps were the worst cruel kind (thus getting better positions-like officers), I guess you could try to analizę their doings which doesnt change the fact that they were monsters (just like hitler). If you're interested in WW2 I'd recommend you to visit Poland and go to "Aushwitz", one of the cruelst camps. Whaa.. sorry for writing so much but I can't agree with you fully with the knowledge I have regarding the case
    Sorry for my bad grammar (still learning (▰˘◡˘▰)

    mvnyv January 4, 2017 11:42 pm

    I wrote so much but nothing about the manga how stupid am I XD sorry dont bother with me

    Thelittleredheart February 7, 2017 7:48 am
    You've got to remember that the nazis were people too, it's not their fault what happened did. Many of them were forced to believe Hitlers thoughts, which was the main focus on the child nazi camps, so they wer... Doodlegg

    There is always a choice. Even if trump tries to bring his fascist parade people will fight back because dissent is the highest form of patriotism. Sympathizing with Nazis by saying they are also human is the sickest joke. They succeeded in killing 6 MILLION Jewish people in some of the most horrifying and inhumane ways. The process to which you rationalized their humanity is scary. Now I shall be off to read some fluffy as fuck BL.

    Hachi ^-^ March 9, 2017 12:30 am

    I'm not gonna answer with some deep thought....let me just say that after I read your post I was like " too....never ever gonna read this, it may have beautiful-astonishing draws in it BUT I'm not gonna read it...not in a million years!"

    lexi491625 May 5, 2019 2:40 am
    You've got to remember that the nazis were people too, it's not their fault what happened did. Many of them were forced to believe Hitlers thoughts, which was the main focus on the child nazi camps, so they wer... Doodlegg

    it is in fact their fault. not everyone in germany was a nazi, but all nazis supported the mass genocide of jews, gay people, brown people, and the colonization of all of europe. literally get the FUCK out kf here with this rhetoric. you all are sick punks for liking this shit! im astounded to see so many in support of literal NAZIS.

    Eli August 12, 2020 5:42 pm
    it is in fact their fault. not everyone in germany was a nazi, but all nazis supported the mass genocide of jews, gay people, brown people, and the colonization of all of europe. literally get the FUCK out kf h... lexi491625

    No one is supporting Nazis. They are asking you to look into the mindest of someone who was brainwashed as a LITERAL child into believing something horrific. No one said that these characters were involved in death camps. That was the power of Hitler and his propaganda and clearly you know nothing about history if you don’t even know this little thing

    Eli August 12, 2020 5:44 pm
    it is in fact their fault. not everyone in germany was a nazi, but all nazis supported the mass genocide of jews, gay people, brown people, and the colonization of all of europe. literally get the FUCK out kf h... lexi491625

    Read Errant Belle‘s comment