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M.J. February 4, 2021 2:42 pm

Honestly, this is really well written. As the saying goes it takes two to tango and right now Ivan is just standing there while Hyun is trying to do it on his own. Maybe it’s cuz he’s in his 30’s but i really like that he isn’t just sitting down like he’s told but is instead, actively trying to work out with the issue with Ivan is because that’s how relationships are supposed to work. Even if they aren’t your partners problems, that’s what they are there for, to help you work thru said problems and help you keep your head up thru it all. Keeping secrets from your partner, even if you think its for their sake, is never good because you shouldn’t decide what your partner can and cannot understand. Its up to them to decide and deciding for them is admittedly selfish, ESPECIALLY IF IT INVOLVES THEM, which from what we’ve seen, whatever is going on with Ivan definitely involves Hyun. If Hyun were to ask for a break I would honestly say yes thats the best course of action until Ivan feels like he can communicate with him
