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SPOILER: So, he's really a she, and not the other way around?...

HC December 19, 2015 3:04 pm


So, he's really a she, and not the other way around?

    Darknessgirl December 19, 2015 3:14 pm

    I was gunna say that too. A she dress up as a he but the princess doesnt know. But as the marriage started he used revealed his secret just to portect the princess. But the princess just doesnt know...or so i think...

    akuma_river December 19, 2015 5:32 pm
    I was gunna say that too. A she dress up as a he but the princess doesnt know. But as the marriage started he used revealed his secret just to portect the princess. But the princess just doesnt know...or so i t... Darknessgirl


    So the princess doesn't know that Mitsu is biologically a female...technically that makes this shoujo ai, right?

    Or is Mitsu a trans male and not just choosing to dress as a male for other reasons but feel they are themselves a male? So that pairing of Mitsu and the princess is straight but with Nobunaga it's gay? A bit confusing but very interesting.