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There's always adoption...

Aku~chan December 29, 2015 11:50 pm

I find it humorous how the couples that freak out about not being able to have a family forget that adoption is a thing... Yes, it'd be tough but it's not impossible

    Meta January 2, 2016 12:59 pm

    I'm not sure, if gay couples can adopt a child in Japan

    Aku~chan January 2, 2016 10:51 pm
    I'm not sure, if gay couples can adopt a child in Japan Meta

    I looked at it for a bit and the most that I could get is that it's a case by case (for the US it depends on state laws) for a single parent to adopt internationally from Japan. I'm getting mixed responses about if it's easier for Japanese citizens though. I'm assuming it's still a case by case thing. Internationally adopting is also a thing though if they didn't mind having child with a different race from their own. There's still a lot to consider but, overall I think if they wanted to invest enough time into it and got themselves mentally prepared for the hardships, a gay couple in Japan could still have a family.

    aeriesky21 February 21, 2017 7:51 am

    Um, not trying to be rude, but that is very, very idealistic. Yes, adoption is possible for heterosexual couples in Japan, but DEFINITELY not gay couples. They can't even be legally recognized yet. Fertility doctors in Japan are legally forbidden to treat same sex couple so surrogacy is also not an option. Here is one example:

    aeriesky21 February 21, 2017 7:56 am

    Even here in America, currently the most liberal country for LGBT rights, it is still very hard for gay couples to adopt. Yes, you see celebrity gay couples able to adopt, but they have an advantage with their influence and money. For the average gay couple, they must jump through so much more hurdles and time. or So of course in Japan, which is hella conservative and still not accepting of gays in any way, it is impossible. The article above shows they are just barelystarting to be able to have a conversation, just TALK, about gay couples having a family in Japan. It'll be a long, long time.

    aeriesky21 February 21, 2017 8:13 am

    There are currently no known cases of gay adoption in Japan still. It's a sad truth. (Sorry, I ended up ranting lol, but it's an issue I feel passionate about, being LGBT myself)

    Aku~chan February 23, 2017 7:13 am

    I get you being passionate about it; some of my family and I are also LGBTQ. Yeah, it's been a while since that post and I've gotten more of an idea of Japan with LGBTQ issues. I really hope they can be open to learning more about it and accepting it in the not too long future. I still think manga should get into making more stories where them having families is that big of a deal though. It's all fantasy anyway so if you're gonna make ridiculous courting scenarios work for romance, why not go the whole way? (I do realize that a lot of the ones that are suppose to take place in foreign countries tend not to mention it as an issue though) I wouldn't want that to change for the ones that take a more serious tone though. I like the raw feeling those give.

    Thank you for the article link! I like that interest in learning about LGBTQ is starting to take hold in Japan. When I first made this post, there weren't any articles I could find talking about Japan and same sex family planning, so all I had to go off of was what I could find in regards to their single parent adoptions,since, in the worst case, they could pull off one partner adopting and just not saying anything about having a partner. Given, most of the stuff I found there were off of forums so I couldn't really get that good of a grasp on it. Thanks again for the article, I'll keep an ear out for any more developments on that front. I'm super happy they have a Pride Parade set up though. They have to start somewhere. :)

    Lovena July 4, 2017 3:41 am

    And they could just get a loved one, a friend or sister, to carry their child (I mean the sister of one partner carries the other partner's child; no incest).