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I'm sorry but I really don't like it when a couple apparently can't be together simply bec...

... January 2, 2016 9:51 am

I'm sorry but I really don't like it when a couple apparently can't be together simply because of their sexual positions. Like...

Sex... is a really flexible and fluid thing? If they really have to fill up their asses while fucking, then they can start their foreplay by fingering each other in the 69 position, and then going for penetration using two dildos (or one of those double headed dildos, while facing each other and giving each other a handjob, suckling at each other's nipples, etc.). And even aside from what I've mentioned, there are so many ways for two bottoms (and I'm not seeing why they always have to both be bottoming anyways?) to still satiate their sexual urges.

If the reason was something more akin to "I think the couple wouldn't work out so well because Jin is a grade A asshole," then I wouldn't be so upset. I mean, I still think Mari/Jin (or Jin/Mari) could work out, but obviously there are some people who think Mari deserves better, and I'm not going to argue against reasoning like that.

But in the last chapter, it almost seems like the author is refuting the possibility of that relationship by flippantly waving it off as "haha they both look too much like bottoms and two bottoms can't be together" (she doesn't explicitly state the latter, but it's heavily implied given the following context where they fail at sex or whatnot), and I... just really don't like that.

Like... what's the whole point of building up their relationship if you're going to dismiss the prospect as a joke? :/

    Luka chan January 18, 2016 5:49 pm

    totally agree with you

    Anonymous February 4, 2016 6:52 pm

    I think you're overthinking it, mate. Sensei was just laughing at the cliche childhood-friends BL trope.

    Rinsama_ March 17, 2018 5:20 pm

    Yeah, she's making fun of that.. They have stories way back.. They're childhood friend anyway.. And also, Jin doesn't see Mari that way, he has a thing for hopeless romantic, and Mari is the last one on the list.