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Unhealthy analysis that will relieve me from this anxiety

BANSH33 February 11, 2021 7:47 pm

It definitely isn’t one of the best stories, with a simple and cliche plot. But I always wonder why do I keep coming back here if it isn’t that great? The thing is that it doesn’t have to be.
(Imma write a testament so please excuse me)

The simplicity of this story is really unique. From Yuuma’s social pressure to show responsibility and determination, to the carefree-minded Ryohei that has never been able to experience commitment due to the circumstances that he lives in.
Yuuma is constantly pressured by his parents (his dad especially) about being sure about his future, his academic performance, and who he is going to be. Which in reality, he is not even sure of. I believe this pressure to be someone who his dad wants him to be, is the incentive that motivates him to go ahead and ask Ryohei such an unreasonable request (as he said). He boldly assumes that his feelings will never be returned, as his dad assumes what is best for him. So in order to protect his true wishes, he goes and compensates his offer with something he ASSUMES Ryohei will be down for. This attitude is really bothersome to Ryohei, who can see what’s beyond Yuuma’s words but yet, doesn’t do anything about it.
As the story mentioned, Ryohei has been constantly moving in and out of several places due to his parents jobs. He doesn’t have the feeling or the pressure to be committed or to show engagement as he’s never felt something that is worth doing so, justifying it with the excuse of “This will be over anyway.” I think that’s where his carefree attitude develops, where he takes things lightly, regardless of how insane or difficult they may seem. Yuuma asks him to have sex with him. He deceitfully ignores the fact that he could get involved romantically and accepts. He suddenly starts being more interested in Yuuma. He notices aspects in Yuuma’s personality in which he is conflicted about. Like Yuuma being overly self-aware, or the fact that he’s too insecure, and apologizes as though he’s the one wrong. He feels conflicted to do something about it, and gets more involved emotionally with Yuuma. One things leads to the other (accompanied of great sex) and I LOVE that there’s not a dramatic realization of “Oh, I’ve fell in love.” He clearly states that he’s yet to feel the same way as Yuuma does, but he’s committed to him, and the relationship they’re both growing. He’s serious enough about that to say “Hey, we can try it.”
I’m really attached to Ryohei’s caring personality, that actually takes the time to learn about Yuuma without asking him directly, because Yuuma is a shy person. He doesn’t feel the necessity of getting into a big conflict, because if you truly look for an answer, well, an argument never solves anything. The intrigue that Yuuma creates is also clearly portrayed to the reader, as it feels that the story is mostly a Ryohei POV, feeling empathy for the way he feels and how he develops these feelings.
A nice detail that I have highlight is when Ryohei is asked by his friend if he has a lover and after all the questions he easily answers “That person is just madly in love with me. That’s all.” And his friend replies “That’s...really simple.”
In fact it is, and I think that’s the beauty of it :3

If you’ve reached this points, let me thank you for reading all my nonsense :d
