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This is... a masterpiece. It's so deep I feel like crying after reading it. It shows so ma...

www.valentina January 9, 2016 11:54 pm

This is... a masterpiece. It's so deep I feel like crying after reading it. It shows so many different aspects of the reality we live in... it's awesome.

First of all, the love between two people can't be replaced or fogotten, but keep on living is the only way to deal with memories. It's almost painful to see the girl trying to make Louie understand that what he's doing is wrong, because nothing can bring him back to his past, not even the mericlones. His love won't die though, just renew with time. He's stuck in the past and needs to go on with someone's help. I see the girl as his saviour and I have to say she's a really strong character which makes the story a lot more interesting. It's clear that she feels something for Louie that is more than pity of course, it's love, even if it still has to develop.

Then there's the brother issue...The brother is not a bad person, in my opinion, he's just blind because of his envy for Louie. He loved Alina too and couldn't accept her death just like Louie. They are very similar characters but with different personalities and feelings... In the end everyone grows up through different experiences and I can easily understand Sion for his behaviour, I just don't accept it because it makes him almost evil.

Well, sorry for the looong comment, I will just put this manga among my favourites because it just entered my heart so deply!! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
