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she should have been happy seeing her father not being stupid

Mikasa January 15, 2016 12:09 am

she should have been happy seeing her father not being stupid

    Anonymous December 6, 2017 7:55 pm

    Why? She was afraid on what he might do when she ran away from the wedding.

    Mikasa December 7, 2017 3:53 am
    Why? She was afraid on what he might do when she ran away from the wedding. @Anonymous

    look in the beginning the dad wasn't being an asshole, if your little girl suddenly told u that her fiancé is not what he seems on the expensive wedding day u might be a little skeptical and think its cold feet. Now listen carefully the untold story of the dad is this: he learns of her run away and is probably concerned more than angry and then he learns of the debt and scandal then he's invited to the new wedding (he even talked to the fiancé logically it wasn't "yeah I'm marrying your daughter its at ... at this time, be there" NO they most likely talked then he shows up and apologies to his daughter and still she says something stupid to him like u guys were playing/ setting me up? like really what does he stand to gain by hurting his daughter that's why I said her continued response, not her initial response, was stupid ( my fault for not specifying)