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I'm human...

Jenni February 4, 2016 4:52 pm

This is one of those manga you don't want to keep reading because the upset, but you do hoping things will turn around. I've been in Azu's situation before. While Azu might sleep with Kuroi, I hope she does it for the right reasons- because she seriously fell for him and not out of vengeance.
I agree her daughter ought to be her first priority, but she is a woman as well as a mother and she deserves happiness too. I've seen too many of my friends stay in an unhappy relationship because they have children and in the long run it is more unhealthy for the children...

    pink popsicle February 18, 2016 2:55 pm

    you have the most interesting point of view (so far as I'm reading the comments here,,)
    and I agree with you! I have seen people who deviates from the norm and despised them, then i have strayed myself and slowly learned how it's like to deviate from all the values you've been taught in life,, so I came to understand that everyone has a reason to be the way he/she is, be it good or bad, and that we shouldn't look down on those who are considered "bad",,, Because we are all human, we may not make the same mistake as others, but we make many other mistakes they don't,,
    That's why i love your comment, because it doesn't try to judge Azu by what she does, but instead trying to relate to how Azu herself feel about the whole relationship,, because in the end, she's the one in this, the one who feel all this suffering, not us.