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I sorry I just like Letio better

Sam February 28, 2021 9:21 am

going against the opinion of many, I just like Letio better, he likes Selena because she saved him, he listens to everything she says and does and what she wants but keeps getting rejected. He broke in that one time because he doesn't know common sense but that can be taught. He's a yandere but I think he would listen to Selena's requests and also the only reason Selena is getting bullies right now is because she's pretending to be weak so there will be a lot less people for him to stabby stabby at bahaha. I just like going against people's opinions sometimes because it's fun. :p

    ❤ My_Beloved ❤ February 28, 2021 11:34 am

    It's cute to go against peoples opinions but can you not see all those red flags?? Who knows when he'll snap. He gives me 'if I can't have her, no one will' vibes~ (Don't get me wrong, I dislike all the love interest. I like her father more then any other male character. But I can't wait when the brother has more character development!)

    Sam February 28, 2021 1:32 pm
    It's cute to go against peoples opinions but can you not see all those red flags?? Who knows when he'll snap. He gives me 'if I can't have her, no one will' vibes~ (Don't get me wrong, I dislike all the love in... ❤ My_Beloved ❤

    Same though honestly, I like Letio like 5% better than the other guy, that's just me, but yeah none of them are like any "ideal" or sane male lead in my book right now lmao. Letio totally gives off that vibe, kinda want to see him go ballistic hehe.