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I'm going to say something that will probably make me really unpopular here. But I only li...

Some Danish Chick February 9, 2016 12:44 pm

I'm going to say something that will probably make me really unpopular here. But I only liked the first and third stories. They were the only one where I could actually like the characters and be happy for their romance.

The second one had absolutely no romance, and it was basically about two guys having sex just because. Even though one of them had a girlfriend. I was okay with that, because at leas the characters were likable.

The fourth one... left a bat taste in my mouth. So much violence, so much abuse and so one-sided feelings. That could still be interested if it was portrayed as something that was actually bad or at the very least hurt the MC. But the way the author tried to make it seem cute... Like domestic violence is all fun and games... I just couldn't enjoy it.

The last one was basically about child pornography. and I know the age of consent is different in japan, but that doesn't change the fact that this guy took pictures of naked teenagers and slept with his models. Take a moment and imagine the models were female. Imagine reading about this exact story in the news. Have no doubt it would suddenly no longer be 'cute'. He would be considered a pervert, a pedophile, a sexual predator and so on. But because they are all guys, and because it's a manga we're all okay with it. apparently.

    Reality bites February 9, 2016 1:40 pm

    Age of consent is misunderstood. The age of consent is for cerimonial recognition by adults that the child has entered adulthood. It has nothing to do with sex. As a matter of fact the legal code in JPN. is strict no sex with minors . A minor is considered any one below the age of 18-20 depending on where you live. the age of consent being 13 is wrong and was repealed in the MEiji era. Quoted often it is wrong.At age 13 kids enter jr high, take on more respon. adults treat them less as a kid, not to have sex with them nor are they encouraged to have sex with each other.(Despite what the mangas show). People who do are sent to jail for it.

    mhmm July 30, 2016 9:27 pm

    yeah the story about the photographer didn't sit well with me at all :/