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ZelAn March 2, 2021 6:01 pm

I don’t think they were exclusively dating in the past so ML didn’t really cheat. They didn’t even confirm if they were dating or not. So that makes me feel a lot better, I’d hate it if they were dating and ML going to another person, now that would be cheating.

Regardless, MC suffered in the past. Hope ML falls in love little by little and regrets what he did. Just to say but Regret is one of the worst feelings you can feel, I’d say it’s top worst feeling. And ML deserves to feel that way soon.

Even if ML wasn’t dating MC at that time, It’s disappointing to see him toy with MC and give him hope that he’s in love with MC when he wasn’t. What a bitch move.

Hope MC here wont give in so easily now :). He does have some control over ML after all. ^v^
