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Update has been reported...

Mameiha February 21, 2016 8:37 pm

... and should be resolved shortly. All other reports I've made have been fixed within 24 hours. So, I'm sure this will be the same. If you see a problem - missing chapters, duplicate chapters, wrong manga, etc - click on the white flag in the black box on the left side of the screen on the manga's "homepage/title page". This will open the "report" drop down menu. Simply report the error and the moderators will take care of it - if they can - immediately. They obviously can't fix translation errors or make you enjoy a crappy manga, but if it is an upload issue they are quick to make it right. Thank you in advace to the dedicated moderators for all your hard work and diligence.

    yelloheh February 24, 2016 8:24 am

    Thank you for giving the procedure about duplicate or wrong chapters. I tested it yesterday and, indeed, the moderators are really quick to fix a problem when you report one.