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Kimi March 13, 2021 6:27 am

A part of me is like they deserve to die but the other part of me is saying that they're kids and should instead be given the opportunity to repent and help others because of their wrong doings (Not saying it will ever make them a good person or erase their wrongdoings, but when you do something wrong to another person you have a responsibility to help others as your "punishment"). I mean their brains haven't even fully developed yet. I don't know,, it's one of those complex issues where if they were adults I would pretty much say they deserved it but because they're kids,,, is death really what the deserve? Do they 100% deserve to die? Isn't that kind of... the easy solution??? To realize the horrors that you committed and having to live with that burden on your back as the only thing you can do is be kind and help others,, that would be the better punishment (see Jonathan Boyer, a registered sex offender who has genuinely saved hundreds of lives and lives every day repenting. It's a very confusing story in terms of how it makes you feel because of all the dialectics.)

    Moowy March 18, 2021 10:08 pm

    Yeah I totally agree. We don’t know if any of those boys would have changed in the future and positively impact others lives. Hmmm it’s not like MC can spend their time searching for an “unredeemable” target. It would be too suspicious

    Theo March 19, 2021 12:24 am

    They deserved everything that happened to them

    Neon April 23, 2021 11:57 pm

    It is one of those no right or wrong but it was dangerously close to black. MC is a human being doing the judgement, not some omnipotent being. Repentance is a continous process, too. MC has no evidence that they will not give up on doing it. MC’s mind is muddled, and he has only 24 hours to think of it. (=・ω・=)

    breakfastwithsatan April 29, 2021 1:52 am

    Tell that to the victims, repent? do good deeds? We have good people doing that, we don't need trash that gangrapes innocent girls walking around getting praised for 'changing' and living a normal life while the victims remained scarred for life. I think young kids do deserve an opportunity, it depends not he situation but these fuckers were more than aware of what they were doing and that it was bad, they enjoyed it, and they deserved what they got.

    breakfastwithsatan April 29, 2021 1:53 am

    depends on the situation*

    Neon April 29, 2021 8:24 am
    depends on the situation* breakfastwithsatan

    You’re right. At the end of the day it is the victim’s choice whether to forgive em or not. And if they ever get not forgiven then that is baggage that the perpetrator should carry, never the victim. And I’m talking about gaslighting them into forgiving them. “They reflected on it already. Just forgive em.” “He’s trying. You’re too cruel.” “Give em a chance. God gave you one.” Fuck that spiel. MC makes his judgement not as a judge but as emphatetic passerby which, I find really cool and fitting for this type of manga. If any of those gaslighter got hit on my quotations go die in a ditch (but only if you want to. Haha…unless?) ⁄(⁄ ⁄°⁄ω⁄°⁄ ⁄)⁄

    Homo"sexual" not Homo"gender" May 7, 2021 11:20 am

    Can you just stfu and tell that to the r*p3 victim in front of them(▰˘◡˘▰) it's very insulting it is for the victim that you praising the r*p!$t for "changing" (⊙…⊙ ) Don't use the excuse they're just kids and "their brains haven't fully develop", R*pe is R*pe ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ R*p!st deserve d3ath, they don't deserve opportunity ( ̄へ ̄)but Ofcourse a r*pist appologist like you cannot understand about itヾ(☆▽☆)

    Neon May 7, 2021 12:03 pm
    Can you just stfu and tell that to the r*p3 victim in front of them(▰˘◡˘▰) it's very insulting it is for the victim that you praising the r*p!$t for "changing" (⊙…⊙ ) Don't use the excuse they're ... Homo"sexual" not Homo"gender"

    Hell yeah! That’s why the juvie age should be 10 and not some number with a -teen on it. If victim says no then rapist has no chance to go on a “journey to redeem theirselves.” Fuck that. Rape should never be apologized. Its not some bandaged wound. Its burning acid. But if the victim let it be bygones its right that we respect their decision. That does not mean we should like it. I wish all rapists jump in a pit of spikes but I’m not the one who should make the final judgement. But that does not mean I never wished them to die. I also think that they should never be given an opportunity but my views might be different from the victim. Oh but if I were I’d skewer them myself (=・ω・=)

    Naiwalker June 7, 2021 8:01 pm
    Hell yeah! That’s why the juvie age should be 10 and not some number with a -teen on it. If victim says no then rapist has no chance to go on a “journey to redeem theirselves.” Fuck that. Rape should neve... Neon

    Yeah tbh your whole comment almost made me sick "they can change" "they aren't developed" that's almost the same as saying "boys will be boys" when you reach a certain age you know what is right and wrong. You're not gonna tell me they didn't know the consequences of their actions its just that they didn't care or didn't think they would get caught. It'd be one thing if they confessed to their crimes after but a majority of the time they don't. And if they do its only after being grilled to confess. Why does it need to take an interrogation to confess if you genuinely felt remorse you would fessed up after committing that crime. And "they're just kids" some kids have done horrendous murders and rapes not even being the age of a teenager and somehow they should have a second chance. whit that ideology why can't an adult have the same "chance" I mean a adult in their 20s -40s also could have 50+ years more to live to be able to "change " but no they should the forgiven right? Your so quick to forgive but even being a minor they have the chance to already get more leniency by not getting tried as adults, having lighter sentences, and not having their identity exposed to the world despite their horrendous crimes allowing them to just be able and rejoin society as if nothing had happened. This got me so heated

    Kimi June 7, 2021 8:44 pm
    Yeah tbh your whole comment almost made me sick "they can change" "they aren't developed" that's almost the same as saying "boys will be boys" when you reach a certain age you know what is right and wrong. You'... Naiwalker

    look as an actual victim of sexual assault (although i didn't realize it at the time), something i don't think i should have to tell anyone, i also know that the entire "boys will be boys culture" encouraged him to do that to me. adults have fully developed brains, they have opportunities to seek out change and have more resources to learn. once again, i do urge you to read about jonathan boyer.
    i am not saying they shouldn't be punished. i am saying that maybe murder isn't the best option, especially when it's just done by one crazy kid who isn't in the right state of mind.
    personally, i think the best thing we can do to prevent rape culture is expand more resources for education so boys learn that "being a boy" isn't about toxicity.
    i'm not saying forgive or to forget, i'm just saying that maybe killing criminals isn't always the best option for society?

    Naiwalker June 7, 2021 11:28 pm
    look as an actual victim of sexual assault (although i didn't realize it at the time), something i don't think i should have to tell anyone, i also know that the entire "boys will be boys culture" encouraged hi... Kimi

    I guess agree to disagree I as well have had more than a few things happen to me so I can't share the same idea

    Neon June 7, 2021 11:34 pm
    look as an actual victim of sexual assault (although i didn't realize it at the time), something i don't think i should have to tell anyone, i also know that the entire "boys will be boys culture" encouraged hi... Kimi

    Yup! Because if it is easy to give death as a punishment for criminals, it is just easy for the criminals and those of authority, not the victims themselves.

    And oh no! My “Insert here” means that other people are speaking! Ex. “The customer is always right” No, you’re wrong. Sorry Homo"sexual" not Homo"gender" and Naiwalker for the confusion!

    And I am no rape apologist. I am just saying that I don’t have the right to make judgement on what punishment those rapists will get. Neither all of us here. It is either the victim themselves or some sort of authority. It is out of our hands. And if we do meddle and try to control the victim’s choice then that is out of malicious intent. We are taking more control of the victim even after their rapist is behind bars. The least we can do is help them make a choice not to please us but for themselves and themselves only.

    And it is true that the way adults obsinuate responsiblity by say “boys will be boys” is infuriating. It’s a form of brainwashing or gaslighting or both, it depends. It is just plain evil and irresponsible. And if I do have some authority to announce my judgement, I’d like for them to walk on hell and back and repeat. I don’t want them to be forgiven, too. But if am allowed to make judgement I would absolutely not take any kind of apology and repentance from any of them and their side.

    The scary thing is that all are humans that got a label on each. And we can never apply this fiction logic in reality. It is only harmful. The law exists for some reason. People are still seeking justice. Especially the victims.