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Fucking sick tf is wrong with you?!

sky32 March 18, 2021 3:42 am

Wtf is wrong with this shit I am watch the anime and its fucking sick not only that this redo shit is stupid when you still allowed yourself to experience the same pain just to awaken tf is that about being fucked by men and being addicted to drugs you needed that? Really all your memories of a past life just to take the same shit and do what he could have gotten revenge without all that shit this artist is fucked up in the head and bad at storylines I sware mf will publish and make anything now days

    Kai April 4, 2021 1:47 am

    you could not read the manga as that will solve your issue of bad written comments

    sky32 April 5, 2021 10:38 am
    you could not read the manga as that will solve your issue of bad written comments Kai

    Or I could write this bad comment after having seen the anime either way this bad opinion is mines to give and since my freedom of speech bothers you so much how about not read or respond to my post hmm!? ( ̄へ ̄)

    sky32 April 5, 2021 10:43 am
    you could not read the manga as that will solve your issue of bad written comments Kai

    Btw clearly those mistakes are typos or autocorrect but I guess you couldn’t understand that hence your comment oh well there ARE ppl like you too I guess...

    Kai April 5, 2021 1:57 pm
    Btw clearly those mistakes are typos or autocorrect but I guess you couldn’t understand that hence your comment oh well there ARE ppl like you too I guess... sky32

    I mean, my opinions are freedom of speech too? You could agree to disagree else your hypocrite too.

    sky32 April 5, 2021 2:48 pm
    I mean, my opinions are freedom of speech too? You could agree to disagree else your hypocrite too. Kai

    Agreeing to disagree would be agreeable had someone not try to insult me, and thus my response was in kind to your initial statement to me no? Well whatever ...

    monkey88 April 12, 2021 6:15 am
    Agreeing to disagree would be agreeable had someone not try to insult me, and thus my response was in kind to your initial statement to me no? Well whatever ... sky32

    Shut up and read the revenge-porn or don't. ( ̄へ ̄)

    WeebTrAsH4lif3 April 20, 2021 3:58 pm
    Agreeing to disagree would be agreeable had someone not try to insult me, and thus my response was in kind to your initial statement to me no? Well whatever ... sky32

    This is a hentai my guy

    WeebTrAsH4lif3 April 20, 2021 3:59 pm

    The fact that someone just said one thing that wasn't related to freedom of speech, and you made a whole thread by yourself, speaks. Then end off your argument with "Well whatever". I'd also like to say that that was grammatical incorrect since you should have wrote "Well, whatever." There was no need for the ellipsis. Your opinion is your own, and so is others. There were many flaws in your argument and instead just attacked someone for stating an opinion.

    sky32 April 21, 2021 4:13 pm
    The fact that someone just said one thing that wasn't related to freedom of speech, and you made a whole thread by yourself, speaks. Then end off your argument with "Well whatever". I'd also like to say that th... WeebTrAsH4lif3

    Do me a favor, read! if I attacked him then so was I, you have no right to tell me how I should or should not take something, the flaws were created by the keyboard and I said well whatever as to not keep the argument going but I guess your another person that likes to respond without reading my response properly, of course it wasn’t related to freedom of speech duh

    sky32 April 21, 2021 4:19 pm
    The fact that someone just said one thing that wasn't related to freedom of speech, and you made a whole thread by yourself, speaks. Then end off your argument with "Well whatever". I'd also like to say that th... WeebTrAsH4lif3

    Btw, you also tried to insult me, don’t do that if your not ready for the return ok?!

    WeebTrAsH4lif3 April 21, 2021 10:07 pm
    Btw, you also tried to insult me, don’t do that if your not ready for the return ok?! sky32

    Dude you read like 30 chapters and watched the hentai before deciding to not even create a valid argument as to why I'd didn't appeal to you. And when someone stated an opinion you said that they hate freedom of speech. I mentioned grammar because if improper grammar can ruin ur argument. All u did was shit on it. So next time when u want to "criticize " an authors work create a valid argument. And if u don't like it stop reading. That's all I have to say.

    sky32 April 21, 2021 10:55 pm
    Dude you read like 30 chapters and watched the hentai before deciding to not even create a valid argument as to why I'd didn't appeal to you. And when someone stated an opinion you said that they hate freedom o... WeebTrAsH4lif3

    If you couldn’t infer from the fucking typos oh well, my opinion is just that, that alone makes it valid I addressed what I saw and because of the typos it didn’t come out correct so fucking what though? I have a valid argument and your too what? To get it, first off who the fuck goes to relive their previous life without a plan to get out of the shit their currently in, just to then go and do the same shit that happened to him to someone else, that my fucking point but I don’t care if you understand that, you seem to have searched to find me just to state your unwanted opinion of my previous comments but again I don’t care oh and btw what can you do if I choose to do what your accusing me of again, nothing at all so maybe

    WeebTrAsH4lif3 April 21, 2021 11:33 pm

    YES, that was exactly what I thought of that morning when I made the comment. I woke up and decided to go find YOU SPECIFICALLY in order to state my OPINION as you would so KiNdlY put it. I decided that instead of studying for my finals this week I was going to intentionally find some rando on the internet and argue with them about a fucking hentai . (All of that was sarcasm just in case you didn't know) It's not that deep. But if you want to feel like I deliberately went out of my way to find you go ahead. You were just a comment that showed up after I finished reading. Saw the whole thread YOU, YOURSELF made and stated an "unwanted" opinion.

    sky32 April 22, 2021 2:28 am
    YES, that was exactly what I thought of that morning when I made the comment. I woke up and decided to go find YOU SPECIFICALLY in order to state my OPINION as you would so KiNdlY put it. I decided that instead... WeebTrAsH4lif3

    Maybe you should study and leave me alone stalker

    sky32 April 22, 2021 2:34 am
    YES, that was exactly what I thought of that morning when I made the comment. I woke up and decided to go find YOU SPECIFICALLY in order to state my OPINION as you would so KiNdlY put it. I decided that instead... WeebTrAsH4lif3

    Stating exactly what you did only proves my point, clearly you are offended and hey like I said before I don’t care btw there was a typo in my last post to you feel free to continue or maybe study for that oh so important final of yours my love, your point is made, your window closed, as we move on to another chapter I bid you adieu good luck on the final but if this conversation was any indication of your grade I'd say luck is not needed

    The_Funky_Carno May 6, 2021 12:32 pm
    Maybe you should study and leave me alone stalker sky32

    how are they a stalker

    sky32 May 7, 2021 8:08 pm
    how are they a stalker The_Funky_Carno


    sky32 May 7, 2021 8:09 pm
    how are they a stalker The_Funky_Carno

    Not trying to be rude but don’t want to keep arguing my point here so find someone else please and thank you

    The_Funky_Carno May 7, 2021 9:13 pm
    Not trying to be rude but don’t want to keep arguing my point here so find someone else please and thank you sky32

    B-but I thought you were the one for me... ╥﹏╥

    The_Funky_Carno May 7, 2021 9:13 pm
    Not trying to be rude but don’t want to keep arguing my point here so find someone else please and thank you sky32

    Jk sure