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About Bleach

Elihinata March 14, 2016 9:31 pm

So guys, I've had a question for a long time about Bleach's shinigamis, maybe it's because I'm stupid or skipped something important, I don't know, so here I go:

Shinigamis job is 1. To kill hollows (purify, whatever) 2. To send souls of death people to SS (not Hitler related) about this souls: they live in SS peacefully and also some can become shinigamis (like Toushiro or Rukia and Renji) is that right? And so, if shinigamis are powerful souls, what happens when a shinigami dies? Like, aren't they dead already?

If someone could explain this to me it would be awesome

    UGH March 14, 2016 9:56 pm

    wait dont they like resurect in the human world
    i think there was a filler or a movie where it showed a shinigami dying but then appearing in the human world

    though im not sure its been more than a year since iread the manga and watched the anime

    Kiiro Mint March 14, 2016 11:51 pm

    They have a fake body in the human world because human can't see them when they are in their shinigami form but some of the human can see them. And about the dying one , idk. There is a part where rukia die but she is still alive but i guess a subsistute(did i spell it right?) Shinigami like ichigo , i think he will become a real shinigami if he die.