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Did not like the way the FL and her grandfather were portrayed

Good Book Hunting April 5, 2021 9:33 pm

I didn't like the way the FL and her grandfather were always bitching about their neighbor's girlfriend, especially considering that they weren't exactly objective since the FL was interested in the guy and the grandfather knew that. Do not like people who spend all their time sitting on a high horse (metaphorically) and sneering at others.

    SayerSong June 6, 2021 2:36 am

    Sis we read the same manga? Because everything they FL and her grandfather complained about and said WAS TRUE and they only stated that stuff AFTER she had started pulling her stunts. For instance, it was mentioned that the reason the grandfather didn't like her was because he had been riding NEAR the property line and she suddenly threatened to sue him for trespassing. As for the FL, she saw the way Caroline was treating the kids and the way she was acting BEFORE she said anything negative about her. All those negative comments were well-earned by Caroline. And honestly, she WOULD HAVE started physically abusing those kids at some point.

    Good Book Hunting June 6, 2021 7:35 pm
    Sis we read the same manga? Because everything they FL and her grandfather complained about and said WAS TRUE and they only stated that stuff AFTER she had started pulling her stunts. For instance, it was menti... SayerSong

    They are outsiders and have no business commenting on other people's families and how they do things. I just don't like preachy, self-righteous people.

    SayerSong June 6, 2021 11:31 pm
    They are outsiders and have no business commenting on other people's families and how they do things. I just don't like preachy, self-righteous people. Good Book Hunting

    Sorry, but I have to disagree. The very MOMENT that Caroline told the grandfather that she would sue him for trespassing when #1. he was still on HIS OWN PROPERTY and just NEAR the property line, and #2. It was NOT YET HER property, it became THEIR BUSINESS. She was out of line. It also became their business the moment the FL almost hit the twins as they were running away. Caroline CAUSED them to run away and almost get hit. NO ONE should EVER look past the mistreatment of a child.

    SayerSong June 7, 2021 12:17 am
    They are outsiders and have no business commenting on other people's families and how they do things. I just don't like preachy, self-righteous people. Good Book Hunting

    There is also the fact that the grandfather is/was a friend of the ML and therefore had a right to voice his concern as well (and even more reason why Caroline should NOT have been threatening to sue him).

    Good Book Hunting June 7, 2021 4:23 am
    There is also the fact that the grandfather is/was a friend of the ML and therefore had a right to voice his concern as well (and even more reason why Caroline should NOT have been threatening to sue him). SayerSong

    If someone is rude to him, that doesn't make it okay for the grandfather to bad-mouth her and gossip about her. Also, there wasn't really any mistreatment happening there w.r.t the children. From what I read, Caroline is obviously not a fun person and kids, in general, want to have fun and don't care about consequences. If anything, I'd say, the FL letting the kid get on a horse and act like it's normal seems irresponsible to me. If it were her kid, okay. But not with someone else's kid.
    Like I said, in general, I don't like people who spend their time gossiping and bad-mouthing other people and getting all up in their personal matters, moralizing and acting like they know the only right way of doing things. Here, the girl also has a crush on the guy and then goes around speaking ill of his current girlfriend. Doesn't sit right with me. You can have a different opinion. This is just mine.

    Oni June 12, 2021 9:33 pm
    If someone is rude to him, that doesn't make it okay for the grandfather to bad-mouth her and gossip about her. Also, there wasn't really any mistreatment happening there w.r.t the children. From what I read, C... Good Book Hunting

    Are you site we read the Same manga! You are saying Caroline did not abuse the kids. It will not have been long if that charade continued. She hit her horse to show who is the "boss". And FL is speaking ill because Caroline will do everything that the twins will not "exists ", it is normal in every way you take it.
    And you said she is not a fun person, and of course kids are full of energy, why dor she take "care" of them-money. So don't tell me it is not they right.
    It is like you see your neighbour abusing his child but not interfere because you have a crush on his partener.
    Oh for f sake(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Oni June 12, 2021 9:34 pm
    If someone is rude to him, that doesn't make it okay for the grandfather to bad-mouth her and gossip about her. Also, there wasn't really any mistreatment happening there w.r.t the children. From what I read, C... Good Book Hunting

    Are you suree we read the Same manga! You are saying Caroline did not abuse the kids. It will not have been long if that charade continued. She hit her horse to show who is the "boss". And FL is speaking ill because Caroline will do everything that the twins will not "exists ", it is normal in every way you take it.
    And you said she is not a fun person, and of course kids are full of energy, why does she take "care" of them-money. So don't tell me it is not they right.
    It is like you see your neighbour abusing his child but not interfere because you have a crush on his partener.
    Oh for f sake(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    SayerSong June 13, 2021 12:20 am
    Are you suree we read the Same manga! You are saying Caroline did not abuse the kids. It will not have been long if that charade continued. She hit her horse to show who is the "boss". And FL is speaking ill be... Oni

    I have been trying to explain this as well, but OP does not want to listen, and I doubt there will be any changing of OP's mind. That's why I stopped trying.