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quinnggu April 6, 2021 3:14 am

I haven’t read this, probably won’t either, but why are people upset that he slept with other people? Like yeah he loved her, but he didn’t know whether he’d meet her again or what would happen so why is he obligated to stay a virgin for her? She doesn’t own him, and it’s not like he was chasing her while sleeping around. I don’t like it when love interests sleep around even though they say they love someone and are chasing them, but that’s only when the love interest is openly courting the person. This dude wasn’t chasing her, so why should it matter if he fucked someone else? I mean yeah it’s romantic when the person only has eyes for the Mc the whole time and never touches anyone else, but realistically that barely happens.

    Dih April 27, 2021 5:47 am

    You should read, its good

    ash June 6, 2021 7:36 pm

    yea, but the point is they always make the ml sleep around but make the fl a naive innocent virgin, and they always add the sexual assault part wherein they make it seem like it's okay to sexual assault a girl if she gets wet or moans lol