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Wow, I'm back again looking for more mangas.... Sorry

wow199548 March 17, 2016 2:28 pm

( ̄∇ ̄")
anyway its a spin off, where I remember more about the original or start off story than the story I want to find. So I'll explain the original first and the story I want to find after.
Original-->Its a shoujo+smut... A high school girl (she looks like a elementary school girl to me) Hana, finds herself being molested by on the train, only to be saved a guy who pull her off the train, then proceeds to initiate a dubious consensual sexual act (rapish) in a secluded place. This occur alot (the dubious conceptual sex), to the point where she outright reject him during sex (I think...its been ages since i read this manga) anyways, after that he leaves her alone, at this point she believes she is in love with him, and decides to find him in the club he regularly goes to. With the help of some people who find her outside in her school uniform she get in, only to be rejected after she confesses to him about how much she missed or something like that. However, he rejects her because his friends were leering at her. The next day at the train station she is all depressed, and then he turns up on his bicycle the have shoujo reunion= he explains he has always loved her, watched her on the train...blah,blah. blah. HEA(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

The story I want to find Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
has the female lead as Hana classmate (I think) any it starts off with her discussing how lucky Hana is to have a loving BF. The questions turn to the female lead only to have her say something vague. Afterschool she is picked up in limo where she is conversing with her older(early 30s maybe??) fiance, who touches her inapproiately or something...I don't rmemberΣ(  ̄□ ̄||) ╥﹏╥
The main gist of this story is that the female is rich, and has a fiance who was arranged for her. He works in her father's company or something, she loved him when she was little, but later finds out that they were to have an arranged marriage because of her father (she believes he is doing it for duty or money or something else) , when in reality its SHOUJO so therefore, obviously he loves her and they get HEA.
