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I KNEW Eren was pulling a Lelouch

Super Anime Fan April 8, 2021 3:09 pm

I didn't know he would take it to the extreme and make sure that the rest of humanity wouldn't be able to retaliate, but I knew he was pulling a Lelouch. I admit though, I held out hope that he would be able to use his Titan power to survive his "death" before the Titan power faded and that he and Mikasa would leave together, but I did kind of see this ending coming. And since it was referenced early about Mikasa having children, I was at least hoping it was revealed that something had happened between her and Eren before he went awol and the epilogue showed that she had his kid, but I guess not. Even so, at least EreMika was proven to be canon, but we kind of knew that for awhile though. I did know for awhile that the series was going to have a bit of a tragic end, but thankfully it wasn't what Isayama originally intended where the entire main cast died, that would have been far to morbid.
