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About the dumb pink haired bitch...

MangaAnger9 April 10, 2021 8:20 am

So she helped her shitty brother to ruins MC's life just because this was the only way for you to succeed in life????!!!! SERIOUSLY?!

Don't blame the MC for your own misery!!!
Just leave your bloodsucking shitty family for good! The main reason why they have so much power over you is because you let them!
How about flat sharing with other single career women or actually ally yourself with the MC so she can give you opportunities!

    MangaAnger9 April 10, 2021 12:03 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! christine

    Well... Depends... It's kinda trashy but not that toxic. Either you like it because you like kinda the setting/MC or you just dislike it because it is just too stupid for you.
    It is a melodramatic lighthearted telenovela with ideal sweetness about soapy rich elite chinese people.

    Your choice, if you are interested about the story of a rewinded 30 year old career woman getting paired with a younger real nice cooking man who is actully the heir of a super rich company and helps the virtuous pure wronged older FL against her enemies.

    I probably still sometimes read it because I like the interactions between the older FL and younger ML. But the rest is just cliche elite drama.

    ChuYang May 15, 2021 10:06 am

    Cliches are overused negative tropes. Also if she can't blame the FL for her circumstances then why should her family be allowed to blame her for their circumstances? That's... as you likely know... contradictory.