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Not trying to argue with anybody just stating my opinion, this was rather boring to read, ...

Miara April 15, 2016 9:29 am

Not trying to argue with anybody just stating my opinion, this was rather boring to read, I feel like this manga is lacking alot of things in general.

    Anonymous April 15, 2016 10:21 am

    It's a story filled with various shoujo cliches, except this time it's in a yaoi setting. I could tell that just from reading the summary, so I just lower my standards and enjoy it for what is.

    Miara April 15, 2016 1:32 pm
    It's a story filled with various shoujo cliches, except this time it's in a yaoi setting. I could tell that just from reading the summary, so I just lower my standards and enjoy it for what is. @Anonymous

    I did read it till the end but is just too boring I tried to enjoy it but I couldn't, hopefully if the plot improve then I might enjoy.

    Some Danish Chick April 15, 2016 3:27 pm

    I agree. The main thing I think it's missing is personality. It's not just that it's a cliche setting, because I have seen this setting being done very well before. It's that the characters aren't that captivating. Even the host who is clearly supposed to be the hot and charming guy is just... meh.

    Miara April 15, 2016 9:00 pm
    I agree. The main thing I think it's missing is personality. It's not just that it's a cliche setting, because I have seen this setting being done very well before. It's that the characters aren't that captivat... Some Danish Chick

    I agree with this, I think if the characters had some interesting personality it would make this manga way better, but the way it is now is just not portraying any feelings at least for me as a reader I just found this boring to read however with some interesting changes I'm sure I can enjoy this.

    Sin the Bad April 16, 2016 7:18 am

    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍Can't complain about it because the art is acceptable for me... terrible art with good plots don't cut it enough for me...

    Miara April 16, 2016 10:35 am
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍Can't complain about it because the art is acceptable for me... terrible art with good plots don't cut it enough for me... Sin the Bad

    Yeah I also take the art into consideration as well but even the art of this makes all the characters look so girly although they are males. I rather have some not so fancy art but awesome plot than good art but no plot at all, as long as is interesting I can make an effort to over look the art however if the plot is just as good as the art then that would be really awesome :)

    Some Danish Chick April 16, 2016 4:41 pm
    Yeah I also take the art into consideration as well but even the art of this makes all the characters look so girly although they are males. I rather have some not so fancy art but awesome plot than good art bu... Miara

    To me, character personality and likability always come before anything else. A story can have amazing art and interesting plot, but if I don't care for the characters I don't care for any of it. This story had nice art, but the character design threw me off. I mean I can live with the characters being girly looking but i'm not a fan of it either. But when they are both girly looking, plain personalities with no real charm AND a plain plot? Then i'm off.

    Miara April 16, 2016 11:59 pm
    To me, character personality and likability always come before anything else. A story can have amazing art and interesting plot, but if I don't care for the characters I don't care for any of it. This story had... Some Danish Chick

    Yup, same here, plot is what keeps me interested when I read anything if the plot is not good it will drop the quality of the manga even if the art is pretty but I admit that I like pretty art and it counts somehow since there's been times where the plot wasn't great ( but better than this one) and the art was beautiful so kind of kept me interested cause of the art quality and not the plot, however I prefer a good plot above anything else.