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Loved it!

Aiya-chan April 26, 2016 9:08 pm

Wow this mangaka is truly talented, to be able to portrait such a strong storyline in so few pages is quite amazing, not easy to get the complicated emotions across so well. Very very well written. It goes in to such deep psychological issues without either oversimplifying or over explaining. The feeling comes across perfectly.

I found the story very cute and the seme very adorable somehow.

    Viira September 24, 2016 6:08 am

    I don't really see how its well written. It's your stereotypical yaoi where the author uses rape as a catalyst for love because they're either too lazy or too much a heterosexual woman with no understanding of the lgbt community (which I'll admit is more difficult in japan) to understand that isn't how it works. She's clearly read to much early yaoi herself. The whole genre was pretty much invented off the "rape him and then he'll be gay for you" trope.

    Aiya-chan September 24, 2016 11:05 pm
    I don't really see how its well written. It's your stereotypical yaoi where the author uses rape as a catalyst for love because they're either too lazy or too much a heterosexual woman with no understanding of ... Viira

    I dont agree at all, most stereotypical rape yaoi are very shallow and this is anything but. Usually the rape is just a tool to make the uke fall in love, almost no importance is given to the rape as if it's the same as going shopping or something but this, this IS about the rape, this manga explores the deeper psychological reasonings behind in a very subtle way and it does so in very few pages. That is remarkable, whatever one feels about rape-manga, one has to admit that this is well written. It shows it in much more realistic way which is quite unusual and therefore all the more impactful. I'm personally happy to see a seme how isn't portraited as if he thinks he is actually doing the uke a favour or a kindness by raping him. I do think that this is a subject that is far to little discussed, from both points of view (victim/perpetrator) and I think that's a problem. Too be able to fix something you have to understand it. And this manga shines a light on the perpetrators train of thought.

    I do, however, agree with you that the understanding of non-straight sexualitys are seriously lacking. But I don't feel that the idea of sexual violence as a tool to change someone's sexual preferences is unique to yaoi sadly. I do so hate that idea, whoever came up with it and all the morons who reproduces that idea should burn in the deepest pits if hell for all eternity. However I don't feel this manga belongs in that category.

    When it comes to rape in yaoi mangas one should keep in mind that this is a genre who mainly cater to women and studies has shown that women's most frequent sex fantasies are rape fantasies.