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If i was in her shoes i would have massacre the family the moment i came back from the dea...

Hachineesan May 3, 2021 9:05 am

If i was in her shoes i would have massacre the family the moment i came back from the dead. Like omg gurl the amount of patience i have irl is thinner than paper, i cant believe you suffered more than the normal lifetime u so strong, brave,and patient i gotta say. And to put up with their shit for 7 lifetimes? I've already lost it when i came to the 2nd time if it were me.

    Blup May 3, 2021 9:16 am

    I'll make roses bloom from each and every pores of the stupid ass family

    ChuYang May 3, 2021 9:19 am

    Exactly. She's strong because she had the patience and ability to endure so much suffering.