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If anything, seeing V was what introduced me to the DMC series and DMC 5 is the best of th...

Black Lavender May 4, 2021 6:58 pm

If anything, seeing V was what introduced me to the DMC series and DMC 5 is the best of the best. Capcom really outdid itself with the character driven plot and its well-written characters depicting their psyches.

Being fairly new to the series, I haven't caught up with the whole lore yet. So there are a few confusions here and there. In the manga, it was shown that the twins were 8 year olds when they were attacked by Mundus' underlings. Both survived, but how were they raised till 18 in DMC 3? Who took care of them and their education? Who trained their fighting and physical abilities? Anime somehow answers Dante's part of his teenage life, but what about Vergil? Are the twins prodigies in their own ways?

It was sad to see the little chickee and the panther to have short roles in the game. Both were quite adorable and funny.

And whatever happened to Sparda?! He died but why and how? Hopefully the manga answers a few questions!
