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Can someone explain what is going on in the chapter it’s kinda confusing

ray May 10, 2021 4:17 am

Can someone explain what is going on in the chapter it’s kinda confusing

    Nyah May 10, 2021 4:58 am

    In the beginning of the chapter, whoever won rock paper scissors got touched so toono didn't want to win. However, at the end of the chapter, too a got excited that he won rock paper scissors because it meant food, so he said "I won" out loud. Even though they were playing for food that round, the yachan and kashima still associated it with touching toono. So basically, toono winning rock paper scissors made those two think about touching him

    Laganias May 10, 2021 6:14 am
    In the beginning of the chapter, whoever won rock paper scissors got touched so toono didn't want to win. However, at the end of the chapter, too a got excited that he won rock paper scissors because it meant f... Nyah

    Aaaa i see... thank u