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I think its a great feat

xthemainhoex May 14, 2021 4:07 pm

for anyone in this situation to work things out with their significant others whilst in this kind of industry. Its not for me, bcoz sky daddy knows i be insecure af (esp since im just born insecure) but love is love. Others' issues are their own. And if they choose to deal with it the way they see fit, then who am i to judge.

    xthemainhoex May 14, 2021 4:12 pm

    However those aside, this manga (and many others too, using rape to get ml's jealous) rly needs to address past trauma, i mean there was basically rape there both with the tutor and the co-worker of the ml. Its like a happy ending made the whole 2 chapters of another man raping the fl, dust under the rug.