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The father

Teru May 15, 2021 6:32 pm

I don't get the deal with her father... does he know or does he not know about her dyslexia ?? I'm so confused.. in both cases it's confusing. If he knows, why would he be so mean to her and keeps pushing those cards on her ?
If he doesn't know, that's even worse tho, how come for a father not to know about vs own child's condition?

    manga-neko May 31, 2021 12:37 pm

    He doesn't know. The reason may be because he wasn't as close to her as her mom and brother. And she found it difficult to tell him, which can be for any number of reasons. He's always so distant, and pops out of nowhere, almost as if he's uninterested in her life (the only thing of interest is her marriage), probably why he still has no idea even at the end of the story.