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I'm sorry, but why do so many people like this one? Did everyone miss the rape-to-love tr...

Anonymous May 16, 2021 5:35 am

I'm sorry, but why do so many people like this one? Did everyone miss the rape-to-love trope between Hal and Karen that happened after they were married? And the fact that he literally said "I'm not satisfied until I get you pregnant" rather than giving her any choice what-so-ever? He also sexually assaulted and blackmailed her from the beginning - even while he was badly injured in the hospital he promised "I will take him! I will make sure of it!" Karen had good reason to fear losing her son to a wealthy biological father, even though she went through the proper adoption channels.

The best characters were David and Pop (Owen) Chissolm. Karen did a good job teaching David manners - you can't fault a little kid for being excited by the prospect of a big house with a pool and lots of toys. This is however another example of the father winning the child's affection with money rather than caring about the feelings of the mother (which seems to be a common plot device in Harlequins). I was just sad that Pop Chissolm didn't protect her more from his own son - he even promised Karen that "I don't have the intention to take this child away from you!," but then when she married Hal he evidently got the wrong idea that she did it for his money instead of even considering the fact that she was trying to stay with her son.

The ex was trash of course. And Hal was at least as bad as him. It's really too bad that Karen eventually fell for him (why though? - I guess because he was kind to her son…). Even though Hal lamented the fact that he was a jerk about believing what her ex said, he never apologized to Karen, nor did he ever say that he loved her. It's no wonder she was under the impression that he was only concerned about his new baby; it's more unbelievable that she forgave him so quickly (although she was under stress and needed comforting quickly since she was pregnant, so it actually is believable…!). But yeah, the kids were cute, and it was fun that they were mirror twins, but overall this is not a "cute" story!!!!! ┗( T﹏T )┛
