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Not sure if I’ll like this one, I don’t mind horror but the poor dude just didn’t de...

Fuggy May 17, 2021 7:18 am

Not sure if I’ll like this one, I don’t mind horror but the poor dude just didn’t deserve it. It’s great and all that he survived but. I don’t know, I simply don’t like it. Just my opinion

    saru May 17, 2021 12:29 pm

    The thing about horror though is that it's usually scarier when there is no motive since that poor guy could be you and me

    Fuggy May 17, 2021 4:16 pm
    The thing about horror though is that it's usually scarier when there is no motive since that poor guy could be you and me saru

    I don’t think that makes it scarier, it just makes it uncomfortable for me. I know some people enjoy it, but I simply don’t.