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I don't ship Ono and Yuta because I think he deserves way better. Yuta was a homophobic as...

aerslevdi May 20, 2021 11:48 pm

I don't ship Ono and Yuta because I think he deserves way better. Yuta was a homophobic asshole and the only one to put him in his place was Ono. I liked Touya but I was quite dissatisfied he didn't deal with his brother, and I'm really angry because up to then I was really liking this couple. But the trope of the annoying little sibling is one I hate and to make matters worse he was terribly homophobic and rude. Touya not stopping him at least for Kazuma's place and after having doubted him made him lose some major points that he didn't really got back. Ono found those points when he confronted Yuta tho

    OTSO May 23, 2021 9:23 am

    I think you missed their character development and the fact that they are new in this kind of relationship. You have to put yourself in their shoes to know that sometimes you can't see what's wrong with something that you are new to.

    aerslevdi May 23, 2021 7:30 pm
    I think you missed their character development and the fact that they are new in this kind of relationship. You have to put yourself in their shoes to know that sometimes you can't see what's wrong with somethi... OTSO

    Whose character development? Touya's? I saw it, but still in the end he was lenient with his brother. The fact that they were new in this kind of relationship has nothing to do with Touya not putting a stop to Yuta harrassing Kasuma. Because that's implying that because Kasuma is a man then Touya didn't think of stopping Touya. Meaning he didn't properly see Kasuma as a partner at that point and I don't think that's the case (specially on how jealous he was because Kasuma was with Ono).

    OTSO May 24, 2021 2:16 am

    I don't understand why you're acting like you're part of their relationship, but okay haha.

    aerslevdi May 26, 2021 6:22 pm
    I don't understand why you're acting like you're part of their relationship, but okay haha. OTSO


    Gloomy May 30, 2021 6:25 am

    Ono and Yuta is okay. I can kinda see why he was homophobic in the beginning coz not everyone has knowledge on that topic and just goes with what the majority opinion is on society ig. Tho after he saw more about it and could understand it more he started seeing it in a new light. I don't think he's a bad character he was just ignorant on that subject

    TheMaidenGod June 28, 2021 9:19 pm

    I agree with everything you stated. I commented and then came to look and see if anyone had the same experience as me.

    aerslevdi July 22, 2021 6:29 pm
    Ono and Yuta is okay. I can kinda see why he was homophobic in the beginning coz not everyone has knowledge on that topic and just goes with what the majority opinion is on society ig. Tho after he saw more abo... Gloomy

    But it wasn't like that tho(? Yuta didn't even stop to think about judging his brother oflr his partner until he's put in his place by Ono. It wasn't after he saw more. And he didn't even make an effort on his own. From what I see in this story is most babying him and him taking advantage of that. I'm glad Ono didn't. But that doesn't make Yuta his build a bf project. He deserves more. As I said, maybe Yuta will grow, but I'm kinda tired of the well, he could make him better so let's pair them up when the gap is too large. One thing is supporting each other to be the best you can be and the other is one doing all the pulling so the other can grow.