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Honestly all this "omg he's so talented", "he won so many prizes", blahblah gets dumber an...

Suzume June 3, 2016 6:17 pm

Honestly all this "omg he's so talented", "he won so many prizes", blahblah gets dumber and shallower... it really gets on my nerves.
It's pretty much only in manga (probs in dramas too, but I don't watch them), it portrays life just witless. You don't have simply one talent. Maybe you have a good eye for things. If that's the case you develop abilities in more than only one artistic direction.
But having talent isn't the only thing you need. Every person who gets admired for having "talent" works and works for years to perfect their abilities, it just kinda makes me angry reading this so often because too many people believe this and just don't try themselves. They conjure up excuses like "I've just got no talent" and give up.
