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Yeahhh let's be honest

ClicheMilk May 24, 2021 8:38 pm

I gotta Meguro San has really great character development, anyone with low self esteem can relate to her and I honestly look up to her maturity. Though...Kanata Kun wasn't the best match with her. He's introduced as a play boy (gross), childish, almost sexually harassing her (literally every retro shoujo),

    ClicheMilk May 24, 2021 8:50 pm

    And I could say there's more reasons, but just in general I'm not getting good vibes from him. The manga could've been better if there was someone on her level or no romance at all. The whole message of the manga was to teach self-confidence. Im writing such a critical review because this is relatable personally. To conclude, this could've done a better job at teaching self-confidence.