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I have this weird FEELING that Nagi bit the girl i mean he was raped in highschool or some...

Jellybeanz918 May 26, 2021 8:09 pm

I have this weird FEELING that Nagi bit the girl i mean he was raped in highschool or something and they still keep in touch till now and i dont even contact with my sex friends if that were the case i mean why keep in touch with a sex friend unless theres a reason to it hmm?

    Mileminia June 18, 2021 1:14 pm

    But since bitting means you aren't affected by other omega scent he shouldn't have been able to smell him

    Shopliftee June 21, 2021 12:37 pm

    He wasn't raped, he followed her willingly. He just may not have liked it and I don't think that woman is the same person he lost his virginity to. Maybe another girl he slept with after

    ApolloAresZues June 28, 2021 3:57 am
    He wasn't raped, he followed her willingly. He just may not have liked it and I don't think that woman is the same person he lost his virginity to. Maybe another girl he slept with after Shopliftee

    I'd say if it's not rape coercion. That's like an omega being under the influence of hormones begging for it and getting did, they were coerced by hormones and if the other person is of sound mind than it's even worse bc why not offer an inhibitor or smth? She came to him and led him home knowing he was affected and couldn't help himself.