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Man, the author has really butchered this series by dragging it out this much, almost all ...

Anonomous May 27, 2021 12:42 pm

Man, the author has really butchered this series by dragging it out this much, almost all of Mafuyu’s development has gone down the tube by bringing up Yuki and milking the suicide this much after vol.2

I really wish we’d just get back to the main story and end this nonsense with hiragi and his robot of a boyfriend. Fortunately, looks like the author has run out of boys to force into a relationship for the sake of tension.

    bishounensupremacy May 28, 2021 1:56 pm

    that's what i don't like. bl authors has to make literally everyone around the main couple gay just to drag it out longer like that's not how it works man