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Honestly im not even mad Cuz i knew in the they all were gonna act like nothing happened l...

✧Minshil✧ May 30, 2021 8:12 pm

Honestly im not even mad Cuz i knew in the they all were gonna act like nothing happened like i really dont give a shit about smut mangas anymore. They are all the same. First girl fucks the main guy then drama then they fuck at the end again and yey happy ending like these mangakas are not even trying at this point lmao. Finding smut with a good plot and likeable characters are harder than finding a cool harem mc.(btw i hate harem) And than people ask why i read yaoi. Yaoi or yuri are the only genres to still have a good plot even if they fuck. Like i actually enjoy the story. Straights just dont do it for me anymore ig. (︶︿︶)=凸
