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I read this a long time ago and I highly agreed with one comment that was among the recent...

BANSH33 June 1, 2021 7:09 am

I read this a long time ago and I highly agreed with one comment that was among the recent ones at the time. I really liked the uke’s personality during the first volume. He was blunt, rebellious, frightening, and he had this cool aura around him that I found compatible with the seme. The end of the first volume was very down to earth. Not every straight guy becomes magically gay just for the sake of the story. So three years passed by and they met each other again. I do understand that three years are enough to make a person change, but the attitude of the uke was off. He was submissive, shy, a bit awkward, and pushy. He still had that daring trait of his, but it was not the same. I found that kinda meh since it looked to me that it was done with the purpose of making him more “uke” like, and just completely erasing his past personality that was originally introduced. It’s really hard to find ukes that have that type of character (not the “I’m a sassy bitch,” but actually “I don’t give a fuck”). But overall, it was a good story.

    safilin June 1, 2021 7:30 am

    Thank you for saying it!!! I completely agree with you!! His past personality was what really attracted me and why I can't forget about this manga. The 2nd part really doesn't match. I wish the author would have stuck to his previous domineering auro. Just to change his personality to make him uke like is so disappointing

    MachaaTaroo June 5, 2021 5:39 am

    Agreed! Though, I think there were parts in the 1st volume where Hayakawa displayed that part of his personality (the only time that stuck out to me was when he jacked off to Konno in the toilet and his reaction to it), but I definitely prefer his character pre-timeskip.

    They still bounced off of each other pretty well post timeskip, but their personalities in the first volume just meshes so well together. It's not the typical seme-uke dynamic that you see in BL, and I wish it carried over to the second volume as well.

    Y4MILI June 7, 2021 5:40 pm

    yep, i agree but to an extend, i think his change in personality has more to do with the fact that he overcame part of his trauma and left behind that facade and is more like is real self

    Y4MILI June 7, 2021 5:41 pm

    yep, i agree but to an extend, i think his change in personality has more to do with the fact that he overcame part of his trauma, left behind that facade after immersing himself in music (doing what he always wanted to do) and accepting his real self

    zhs_514 July 11, 2021 10:23 pm

    I disagree, you just have to see child Hayakawa, he was always kind, caring and more "cute" and wdym with submissive? Konno influenced him since the beginning and that's something Hayakawa himself say it (when he was happy that Konno liked the same milk taste thanks to his influence, bcs it's always Konno who influence Hayakawa). Also it's not like he just magically he becomes gay, Hayakawa himself said maybe he feelt the same for his ex chilhood friend (the piano kid, I forgot his name). That would explain why Hayakawa got so affeted by him and wanted to understand his feelings (He give up on music bcs he wanted to feel miserable like his friend). As people already said in this thread, the Hayakawa in 1st vol wasn't his true self, he was more tough back then bcs he doubted people and thought if he trusted them they would betray him. So the Hayakawa in 2nd vol it's actually the real Hayakawa that we saw when he was a kid. But yeah I can agree that when he was more "straight" he was tough but now that he's more "gay" and bottom he was soft but we could say it was just a coincidence like... maybe if he had an opportunity to fuck with a man when he was more tough maybe he would do it but that scenario didn't happen.