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I can't be team kanchan

Ash June 25, 2016 7:28 am

The only person that deserves the love from this story is Yumi. I get it, this is a redemtion story for kanchan but he was physically and verbally abusive to Yumi. Yumi didn't deserve any of it. He was beaten by the person he loved the most. Kanchan was supposed to make him feel safe and now just because he feels bad for beating his ex for years doesn't qualify for redemption. I don't hate him but I cry for Yumi

    Cheylord July 4, 2016 8:12 am
    'but I understand why he did it and cant blame him too much for it 'It was stated quite obviously that the reason why Kan chan hit Yumi AT ALL was because of work. Even if he knew Yumi loved the other guy, Yumi... @Anonymous

    im not gonna debate with you on this, i already stated my displeasure of people who cant control themselves and get angry because of someones contrasting opinions. especially on a made-up story

    Ash July 4, 2016 8:30 am
    'but I understand why he did it and cant blame him too much for it 'It was stated quite obviously that the reason why Kan chan hit Yumi AT ALL was because of work. Even if he knew Yumi loved the other guy, Yumi... @Anonymous

    you guys hear that?

    it's the sound of me falling in love with whoever this anon is. Jeez (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ I have never known love like this. All points agreed with to the 100th power. You're great anon. keep doing you.(▰˘◡˘▰)

    Ash July 4, 2016 8:32 am

    You guys hear that?????

    IT'S THE UNDENIABLE SOUND OF ME FALLING IN LOVE WITH THIS ANON(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づthat's right. keep doing you sweety. I agree on all points to the 100th power(▰˘◡˘▰)

    peizhi July 7, 2016 2:29 pm
    ya'll are really trying your best to defend Kanchan. It baffles me how the world can overlook things to suit their needs. There is a right and a wrong about this storyline. There is a shitload of grey too. Kanc... Ash

    But that’s not what you said in your first post. You said only YumI deserves love. And anyway you have no right to just assume Yumi has PTSD from being abused. Most people who go through who go through trauma don't get PTSD. There is zero evidence of Yumi having PTSD. In fact there's way more evidence that Kan-chan has PTSD now and had it ever since he started being abused at work. Yumi knew that Kan-chan was hurting more than him, that's part of why he stayed so long. So no you don't know that there will be nights when Yumi can't sleep because he's remembering the abuse. The only character that has happened to is Kan-chan. I absolutely will not defend or attempt to excuse Kan-chan from what he did or blame Yumi for it, but it's more complicated than that he was just a violent person and he needs to repent. PTSD alters the way you think and respond to situations, increased aggression and irritatability are common. People becoming abusive who weren't before isn’t uncommon either. Note that when Kan-chan had a violent episode he would usually experience flashbacks of his abuse at work, thats a very classic PTSD symptom. Obviously I think he needs professional help. But I doubt that will happen because its a manga. What I do think will happen and what will satisfy me personally is for Kan-chan to meet up with Yumi to properly apologize for everything he did and give closure to their relationship. You might not think he deserves forgiveness, but I think Yumi would disagree. In the meantime I think you should reread Yumi's story while paying more attention to his inner monologues because you do not seem to understand his character. Also just because someone says they love a character or want that character to be loved doesn't mean they are erasing or excusing the bad things that character does.

    yaoi fangirl July 9, 2016 9:36 am
    See and when you get to things like this I don't feel it really mattered whether Kanchan loved Yumi or not. It was in the way he showed it. and he did it poorly. and I get everyone wants to defend this hotty 2 ... Ash

    Exactly. I feel for kanchan and would like for him to move on, i also hate him for being abusive towards yumi just to make himself feel better. There is something called personal responsibility, he made the decision to abuse yumi and other factors like whether yumi loved him or his workplace is not an excuse. He was scum to his lover. PERIOD. I hope he heals and gets better though!!!(⌒▽⌒)

    Ash July 12, 2016 9:22 pm
    But that’s not what you said in your first post. You said only YumI deserves love. And anyway you have no right to just assume Yumi has PTSD from being abused. Most people who go through who go through trauma... peizhi

    tsk tsk tsk ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I said "the one who deserves the love from this story..." implying from the reader. As for in story and assuming any of this were real. Being a person would give Kanchan many facets. Obviously his beau in the story loves him. Therefore Kan deserves that love. He has done nothing to his current relationship. But in addressing to all the "Oh poor sad baby" readers that is when it became relevant to remind them hey guys remember our little beat up Yumi? Like beaten for years Yumi? His abuse didn't go away. And as for the "Kan had PTSD from work" thing, maybe so. Maybe he did but that is to say that Yumi didn't. That's not to say that maybe Yumi's was just as bad, only you know it came from a loved one. And No Yumi may not blame Kan but his abuse is still valid. So like the title of my original post says. "I can't be team Kanchan." You know....because of the constant need he felt to take his anger and hurt and pain out on his ex. Sorry you don't like my no tolerance for abusers debate ( ̄へ ̄)