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Some of y’all don’t even make sense like wtf is y’all talking bout if u don’t like...

Lay_lay24 June 4, 2021 5:55 pm

Some of y’all don’t even make sense like wtf is y’all talking bout if u don’t like it just don’t say shii tf first this the first I’ve seen a title called black hound and it says the genre is yoai or sum like that so why tf is y’all tapping on it if u don’t like it if u don’t like it just keep ur mouth close cuz nobody cares I certainly don’t sum might actually enjoy it don’t ruin the fun for other ppl just cuz u don’t like it so stop telling the author to take it down.

    Ren June 4, 2021 6:03 pm

    Someone (I think) replaced the chapter with something else about pedos and incest or something

    Ami June 4, 2021 6:52 pm

    From what I gather from the comments, I think someone uploaded a new chapter that was called an "extra", and that had nothing to do with the currently posted content of Darkness Hound. It's not about people not liking Darkness Hound - it's about people not liking the since-deleted "extra" (which, I gather, was pedophilic and incestuous). They're not saying Darkness Hound is either of those things. I'm guessing the person who posted the chapter has since deleted it - which is why to a bunch of us seeing this all later it's confusing, and just looked like another false update.

    You really need to relax and take a minute to listen to what people are saying before you falsely accuse them all of saying stuff they didn't say...

    Lay_lay24 June 4, 2021 7:19 pm
    From what I gather from the comments, I think someone uploaded a new chapter that was called an "extra", and that had nothing to do with the currently posted content of Darkness Hound. It's not about people not... Ami

    First of all the did tell the author to stop posting and and I was listening and the other person already explained since nobody else was and don’t tell me what to do and I didn’t say anything bout accusing them of anything so how bout u go back and read what I said thank u very much before falsely accusing me of saying sum I did not

    Nchoii June 4, 2021 11:57 pm
    First of all the did tell the author to stop posting and and I was listening and the other person already explained since nobody else was and don’t tell me what to do and I didn’t say anything bout accusing... Lay_lay24

    You say "don't tell me what to do" when you said "if you don't like it just keep your mouth shut"
    "I didn't say anything about accusing them of anything"? Lmao okay
    Wait. What was that again? "Don't ruin the fun for other people"? LMAO aren't you accusing them of ruining people's fun??
    Did you even get what they all were even complaining about?
    "Read what I said thank u very much" Maybe you should go read what other people said instead
    I don't even wanna break what happened down for you cus you prolly won't understand wew take that toxicity elsewhere mate

    Lay_lay24 June 5, 2021 12:29 am
    LMAOOO BRO UR FUNNY You say "don't tell me what to do" when you said "if you don't like it just keep your mouth shut""I didn't say anything about accusing them of anything"? Lmao okayWait. What was that again? ... Nchoii

    See nosy ppl like u always get fucked up first of all the other person said DONT ACCUSE PPL OF KEY WORD SAYING SUM THEY DID NOT SAY!!!! ya bitch ass and yea I admit I did say sum like don’t ruin the fun for other ppl ye I apologize for that but that was before I new what had happen and the only reason I said don’t tel me what to do is because the person told me to relax and I said that cuz ion think I can relax when I THOUGHT ppl was bashing the manga ppl work so hard on and accusing false shii and I did read other ppl comments but it didn’t make sense at first cuz the extra was deleted and I’m not toxic I have a quick temper sum times anime and manga mean a lot to me and plus u so lame especially with that username next mind ya business I can tell u don’t have friends Nd don’t call me bro we ain’t close ho and I understand the situation for a few hours cuz I’m not a dumbass like u

    Lay_lay24 June 5, 2021 12:30 am
    See nosy ppl like u always get fucked up first of all the other person said DONT ACCUSE PPL OF KEY WORD SAYING SUM THEY DID NOT SAY!!!! ya bitch ass and yea I admit I did say sum like don’t ruin the fun for ... Lay_lay24

    *A few hours ago

    Ami June 5, 2021 12:58 am
    See nosy ppl like u always get fucked up first of all the other person said DONT ACCUSE PPL OF KEY WORD SAYING SUM THEY DID NOT SAY!!!! ya bitch ass and yea I admit I did say sum like don’t ruin the fun for ... Lay_lay24

    Okay I'm gonna level with you here for real - have you ever considered therapy for your anger issues? No sass intended, I genuinely get the feeling you've got some stuff you need to work out. No shame either, I mean I'm in therapy myself. We all have our issues, but like... Coming out here and viciously swearing left and right at strangers on the internet for trying to explain to you what happened, and telling you to stop insulting other people before you fully understood the situation...isn't a healthy reaction.

    It's also noteworthy the author didn't upload the chapter here - authors hate these sites because they're illegally hosting the manga for those of us who can't always afford to support all the series we read legally. Like, I wish I could support all the authors, but financially I just can't. But since the site isn't legal - none of these comments will ever be seen by the author.

    But for real again - your comments are just uncalled for. Nchoii and I never swore at you or anything, yet you're out here throwing around insults like calling them a "bitch ass" and "lame", bashing their username, and saying they have no friends? And that they're a "dumbass"? Literally what makes any of that okay to say?

    I hope you're able to work out whatever's bothering you, and stop taking it out on internet strangers.

    Lay_lay24 June 5, 2021 1:54 am
    Okay I'm gonna level with you here for real - have you ever considered therapy for your anger issues? No sass intended, I genuinely get the feeling you've got some stuff you need to work out. No shame either, I... Ami

    No ion talk like this to ppl I’m actually nice I just don’t like ppl who think their smart asses and like I said I don’t like him that’s y I’m talking to him like that y do I have to be nice to someone that’s wasn’t doing the same and u don’t have to reply back neither .

    Lay_lay24 June 5, 2021 1:57 am
    No ion talk like this to ppl I’m actually nice I just don’t like ppl who think their smart asses and like I said I don’t like him that’s y I’m talking to him like that y do I have to be nice to someon... Lay_lay24

    And plus it was a misunderstanding about what I said and I’m sorry for that cuz I didn’t understand the situation cuz I didn’t no bout the bad thing the author wrote so I feel bad about what I said before but ion take shii from no one all I did was transfer the same energy just stronger

    Nchoii June 5, 2021 4:08 am
    See nosy ppl like u always get fucked up first of all the other person said DONT ACCUSE PPL OF KEY WORD SAYING SUM THEY DID NOT SAY!!!! ya bitch ass and yea I admit I did say sum like don’t ruin the fun for ... Lay_lay24

    LMAO aren't you nosey too?!! Who told you to tell people off when they didn't like something
    Tsk tsk tsk making excuses. See? This is why you should NEVER say something when you didn't even know what happened. Look what you did for being nosey when you didn't know anything
    But oh well, you do you. Whatever makes you happy, princess