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This was the first time I read a poly relationship like this, they can't be together after...

Ervie June 7, 2021 5:17 am

This was the first time I read a poly relationship like this, they can't be together after all it's either one of them will leave or something both uke's had been through a lot and find hope to a one guy when everyone can be their hope I mean there is a lot of good people like shitani who they might encounter.
On the other hand shitani was just makin this two suffer with his confusing actions he's too kind that was really inappropriate having sex just comfort someone whom you didn't love when in the first place he had his first partner and loved him kikuchi.
Shitani was just adding a fuel to the fire what sudo needs is not sex comfort but people who will accept and loved him wholeheartedly and not someone who's to kind to have a sex on you even though they have a partner or something. And shitani must now realize who will be the person that he will choose to be with.
In my case I don't want kikuchi to end up with shitani, kikuchi never did wrong yet he was there waiting for his loverboy shitani who's fucking someone out of pity or something,
