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Please summarize it

Phoenix June 11, 2021 3:34 am

Can someone summarize the story?

    Nakiwa46 July 23, 2021 6:07 pm

    The whole thing? If so then ok.

    Blue hair in the cover is a fox (bi) and he is a nine tail fox in the past but because he gave his heart/orb to a scholar(who later reincarnated as the brown hair in the cover) he became a 8 tailed. Bi (who at that time is a fox) first met the scholar in the wood when he was hurt and the scholar helped him and after Bi's mother killed by human he ran away and go to the scholar's house. Then the scholar raised him even after knowing he have 2 tail(later it'll grow even more) but the scholar become shocked when he found out that Bi can turned into human, can't really remember what happens after that but the scholar's mom become sick and he think it's because of Bi so he go to a shaman or something who is the reincarnation of black hair guy (turns out he's not a shaman, he was some politician son and hated fox/nine tail fox (can't remember) because it killed both his mother and sister (?) ) So when he found out about the fox he command the guy to bring it to him, Bi who now live in the wood only shows up when the scholar call him. There's one time when Bi give the scholar gingseng(i think) for his sick mother. Anyway the scholar call Bi and he showed up and quickly captured by the black hair guy. Bi is sad and angry at the scholar and more after found out the orb he gave scholar was given to the black hair guy. In the cage/prison at night the black hair guy visit Bi and ask Bi to kill him then they talked and i think Bi agrees, all i remember is the black hair guy kill himself and when somebody arrive at the scene Bi runs away. Befor his dead Bi give him his orb saying he can wish whatever he desire because he pitied him, and the black hair guy say that Bi must run away after he die. The wish black hair made was to met Bi again and not hate each other and something like that but after he made the wish Bi who is running got sucked into the orb.
    Fast foward to the modern days, the scholar who is now a director of his family's company open a family treasure his grandfather keep. And Bi just pops out and being aggressive, the scholar called the black hair (and they are brothers/cousins in this life) after that he explain what happen and ask if he could keep Bi in his house because the blakc hair guy lives alone while the scholar live with their granma and mother/aunt at first he decline but after seeing how pretty Bi is he accept. They live together and the blakc hair become more and more attach to Bi. But then another guy show up and the balckc hair guy say that he is his number one person because he saved him before. The. There's scene where the guy bewitching/hypnotise the blsck hair guy. Bi saw it and confront the guy. The guy know that Bi is a 8 tail fox and he knew because he is also a fox. He is being like this because he like the blakc hair guy and his background story is he was raised by monk and one day he found out about his mom and how she and the monk want to sell him to the empress/emperor so when there's a fire at the temple he ran away but before that the monk ask for help, the guy say that he doesn't want to because he know about the selling him part. The monk furious and tore a yellow paper and i don't really remember what happend to him all i remember is he wanted to beloved and found black hair guy and wanting him. Fast foward things happen, the guy confront Bi and chocked him the scholar thought it was done by black hair guy so he take Bi to his house. Yada yada then it was revealed that the guy give black hair a orb and when it was broken black hair guy remember everything including his past life but he couldn't remember what he wished for. Bi is angry at him because of him he can't have his heart back (the orb is his heart) but couldn't stay mad at him for to long because he know it wasn't his fault. The scholar later will ask black hair guy what to do with the fox(Bi) when Bi is sleeping (actually not really sleeping) black hair will become angry at the scholar and say he will kep Bi at his house and ask him to leave. Bi then say that he will leave in mountain and live there but black hair didn't want to saying he want to spend the rest of time with Bi, Bi agreed. Then time passes a letter arrive at their house Bi knew its it's from the guy from the smell, and when the black hair come home he opened the letter and he apologize and i think he give Bi his heart or something all i know is Bi finally have a heart

    Amorim September 15, 2023 8:24 am
    The whole thing? If so then ok.Blue hair in the cover is a fox (bi) and he is a nine tail fox in the past but because he gave his heart/orb to a scholar(who later reincarnated as the brown hair in the cover) he... Nakiwa46

    Thank you!

    Nakiwa46 September 15, 2023 1:31 pm
    Thank you! Amorim

    Lmaaoo you welcome.