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Unpopular opinion

Good Book Hunting June 15, 2021 12:47 pm

I get the premise that omegas being forced to take suppressants that may have some side effects is unfair. However, I think Tsugumi's attitude of not even considering taking a suppressant and saying he'll control it with his will is taking it too far. It's his body doesn't mean he can go around in public while in heat without taking suppressants. That's just irresponsible behavior. In this particular instance, he takes at least half the blame. The other guy did his best to hold back and get him to take his suppressants, and offered the ones he carries in case Tsugumi didn't have any. They ended up the way they did because he was trying to prevent Tsugumi from going out in public while in heat without taking suppressants.
If I were to go out in public dirty and smelly after not bathing for a month, people are going to react badly and they have a right to. This is much worse.

    CazadorSirenas June 15, 2021 1:02 pm

    The suppresant make him sick, don't you remember? It's not as easy as taking an aspirin.

    Good Book Hunting June 15, 2021 5:33 pm
    The suppresant make him sick, don't you remember? It's not as easy as taking an aspirin. CazadorSirenas

    If I remember right, his parents said, the first one he was given didn't suit him and made him sick. The doctor prescribed him a different one that would suit him more but he refused to take it. I'm not saying he should suck it up and take medicine that would make him sick. But he's just being stubborn without even trying.