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At first, I hesitated to read this manga because of the art. Bu then as I continue to read...

Nawuto July 19, 2016 1:28 pm

At first, I hesitated to read this manga because of the art. Bu then as I continue to read it, I thought "Finally, an interesting plot". The story was more realistic. As I was nearing the end, I definitely knew that Nina would end up with Kyou. I was pissed off because I know it's gonna be another predictable ending where the second guy always have to let go. But then, there goes the ending and I have never felt this bliss and relief again since "Moe Kare" and "Hirunaka nyo Ryuusei". Yes, I also have this inclination for second guys. To the mangaka, you're a genius!!

    lee24th September 1, 2016 5:58 pm

    Moving on is the best!